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Reluctant On-line Learners Suggestions To Enhance Signal-Ups

This will attract reluctant online learners and increase course registrations

Some corporate learners take every opportunity to expand their skills and improve job performance. Then there are others who avoid online training at all costs. However, there are some eLearning challenges for businesses that make virtually everyone reluctant to sign up for the online training course. Even the daredevils who always seem to have more badges, points, or certifications than their counterparts. Here are 7 surprising reasons that will make your employees reluctant online learners who think twice about enrolling for your corporate eLearning course.

7 reasons why online training course registrations are low

1. Negative past experiences

We all went through at least one online training session that almost led us to forego training altogether. Maybe the online teacher talked for half an hour without even acknowledging the audience. Or the online training activities were so dry and boring that we nodded off more than once. These negative experiences from the past can be the reason your modern day learners avoid online training.

So, give them a taste and emphasize the benefits to show them that your online training course doesn’t fall into that category. If the negative experiences from the past affect one of your online training courses, the first thing to do is to find out where something went wrong. How can you improve the existing eLearning course design and what was missing from the training experience?

2. Ready-made ideas of what the online training entails

Many employees already think they know what is going to happen. Or what activities you expect from your online training. They are not enthusiastic about it and become reluctant online learners. Basically, they judge your online training based on preconceived notions and assumptions. You can change your perspective by including some surprising elements in the summary of your online training course and in internal marketing materials for eLearning courses. For example the fact that there are VR simulations or serious games.

3. You don’t see yourself as “tech savvy”

Not everyone thinks they are tech-savvy, even though we live in the digital age. As a result, they may not sign up because they are afraid of feeling out of place or falling behind. You can remedy this by offering them online training tutorials that instill confidence. For example, video demos for access to the platform or registration for online training via the catalog. Peer coaching is another great way to make less than tech-savvy employees feel at home in the online training environment.

4. Emotional limitations

Some people just don’t have good headroom when it’s time to exercise. Reluctant online learners may struggle with stress or a pessimistic outlook on life at home. You need to consider these online internal training distractors and create a supportive, safe environment in which to develop their skills. For example, invite them to live online training events where they can get a feel for the company’s eLearning culture / community. Or social media groups where they can discuss their reservations with their peers and improve their mood.

5. Fear of failure

There are those who have a real fear of failure. Perhaps they assume that their peers will judge them for their inadequacies. Or that they are selected by online teachers because they don’t live up to expectations. As such, they don’t even bother to sign up for the online training. The key is to alert reluctant online learners to the missed opportunities and nurture a nurturing eLearning corporate culture.

Your employees should know that mistakes are only opportunities for improvement and that nobody will criticize their performance. Or they feel less than. Everyone is in the same boat and always has the option of using online support resources to fill personal gaps. Personal anecdotes and examples also help them understand that no one is perfect and that it is okay to fight back from time to time.

6. You don’t want to compete with your peers

One of the most common misconceptions about online training is that it is a battlefield. Some employees feel that they have to constantly outperform their colleagues and prove that they are the best. This is exacerbated by gamification strategies that place too much emphasis on competition. For example, leaderboards in which employees compete against each other so that they become archenemies rather than sources of support.

The most effective way to remove this obstacle is to find incentives that match the needs and preferences of the employees. Introverted corporate learners may prefer badges or points that do not require them to enter a friendly competition. While others tend to use level-based strategies that allow them to test their mastery autonomously.

7. You just don’t see the point

Employees must complete mandatory online training. However, things are different for optional online training courses with registrations. You may need to do some persuasion to click that sign up button and immerse yourself in the online training content. The problem is … reluctant online learners just don’t see the point in trying. It’s not so much a lack of motivation as a purpose.

Because of this, you need to emphasize why online training is essential and how it will benefit your work life. Maybe even her private life. Make sure you include real-world activity to illustrate the point. For example, online training simulations showing them how the skills they have just learned improve their work practices and productivity. Or how you can use a different approach to the task to accelerate the sales process and increase customer satisfaction.


These are 7 reasons hesitant online learners hesitate to sign up. The reluctance, however, varies from person to person. Hence, it is best to interview and rate your employees to identify the key sticking points. Find out why they aren’t taking advantage of every training opportunity so you can personalize the online training content and provide the right incentives.

Is your online training linked to company learners or could they tell a little more show and a little less? Find an e-learning content provider who can help you increase remote engagement and facilitate real-world experiences.


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