
Canada Association of Tourism Employees

Customized eLearning Programs: On-line Health

Here’s what custom courses can do for you

eLearning has taken over the education system. All courses that were previously offered in traditional courses are online. Online fitness trainers took advantage of this opportunity. They have developed personalized eCourses for the ever growing number of fitness enthusiasts.

How do you ensure student engagement and maximum engagement with these programs? Here is an overview of how online fitness trainers use eLearning opportunities by designing personalized courses that are fun for learners.

How fitness trainers create personalized eLearning courses

A fitness career is a practical job. Learners look for learning models that relate to their needs. They look for relevant programs that can help them start their careers. eLearning makes this possible. Online fitness trainers use proven strategies to design courses that are relevant and practical. Here are the tactics they involve:

Diverse eLearning multimedia

Online learners have different learning behaviors. Your preferred learning method is also very different. A learner may prefer audio to video or a course book to audio. Online fitness courses therefore contain picture, audio and course books.

They give learners the freedom to choose the learning tools that suit their learning style. These can be webinars, podcasts, downloadable materials, video demos, or presentations.

Provide timely feedback

Assessments are a great way for learners to measure progress. An NSCA CSCS study test helps fitness learners assess their knowledge before taking the CSCS exams. The test contains answer keys that allow learners to get instant feedback on their performance. This allows them to identify the knowledge gap and work towards better results.

Timely communication helps keep learners busy. This makes it easier for learners to correct mistakes and increase bonding. Communication can take the form of e-mails, chat boxes or special online discussion forums.

Use branching options to guide learners

The best way to make eLearning courses interactive is to incorporate branching options. This allows learners to go different ways depending on their interests. Rather than designing a linear program where one module unlocks the next, branching allows flexibility. Learners cannot complete modules in any particular order.

This approach allows learners to choose different activities that suit their interests and goals. Many tools on the market allow online trainers to design scenarios that guide learners in specific paths that suit their professional interests.

Address learners by name

Another great initiative for personalizing eLearning is making every learner feel recognized and special. A personalized approach incorporates the user’s name instead of a general invitation note for classes, ratings, or group discussions, making them personal and welcoming.

At the end of a fitness module, a congratulatory note sounds great, but one that speaks directly to the learner makes it more real. For example: “Congratulations, Judy! You have successfully completed the first module of the strength and conditioning course.”

Offer self-directed learning

At your own pace e-learning gives students the flexibility to create a personal program to attend class. Learners can access classes anytime, anywhere. This flexibility makes eLearning the most viable option for professionals or students straight out of high school.

Most online fitness programs have a certain length of time to complete the course. However, trainees are free to enroll and study at their own time, allowing them to juggle between the demands of their fitness jobs and continued academic growth.

How Fitness Trainers Maximize Engagement in eLearning Programs

A personalized course is the first step in creating an effective eLearning program that meets learner needs. Next, you need to make sure that learners get the most out of the course by maximizing engagement.

Create community engagement

In the eClassroom it is important to keep the conversation going. As with on-campus courses where learners discuss what they have learned in groups, creating community forums where they can ask questions helps improve teaching outside of the classroom.

Other channels like social media can also be fun and interactive ways to share, connect, and build relationships with learners and stakeholders. They increase visibility, market courses, and help learners grow.

Use high quality graphics

Videos play an important role in online learning. This is the most practical way to help learners experience the course content in fitness programs. But not all videos trigger engagement. Fitness trainers get maximum engagement by creating high quality, clearly scripted videos that entertain the target audience.

The videos are also designed to encourage interaction by asking learners to answer quizzes at the end of the session. There is also the option to leave comments or give feedback. Such videos can help students internalize the content and increase retention.


Hours of courses reduce concentration and can lead to high drop-out rates. However, interactive modules in bite size make online learning manageable. This is an important factor in ensuring that learners keep as much as possible.

Online fitness trainers break large modules on complex topics into smaller units that learners can easily understand. This means more classes, but it’s a surefire way of ensuring that learners cover each topic in depth.

Benefits of eLearning

eLearning has grown over the years due to its many advantages. It’s the best option for many people for many reasons, but let’s highlight two obvious ones.

Geographic flexibility

Virtual learning opened up education all over the world. You can take courses from any university, college or institute conveniently in your country. All you need is reliable internet and a computer or phone to get started.

Organizations can also consolidate training programs on a single platform where all employees from different parts of the world can advance their careers. eLearning is reliable and convenient. It enables access to programs that were previously inaccessible to humans due to geographic barriers.

Reduced costs

Apart from the subsidized fees, there are no accommodation, commuting, or other expenses required for on-campus travel or study. You can have time with your family, get on with your day job and still achieve your educational goals.

Virtual learning makes it possible to improve one’s career without affecting the current lifestyle. Its affordability and flexibility make it a great option for anyone starting their school or working and looking to expand their knowledge in a specific field.

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