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Impression Of The eLearning Trade On Our Lives

Learn more about the eLearning industry

The eLearning industry has seen rapid growth in recent years. A lot has evolved from slide shows to AR technology. According to a Statista report, there are currently more than 3.8 billion smartphone users on the market. And now, with so many users, many developers have started offering services through mobile apps for almost anything, be it studying, traveling, or even eating, a mobile app already exists.

Now, with such digitization, which has increased particularly during COVID-19, eLearning has kept the connection between learners and teachers. Even when colleges and universities were closed, eLearning ensured that the learning process did not stop. It also helped students and teachers protect themselves from the deadly virus.

The culture of online learning began in 1990 when Duke University and Cornell University introduced online certification programs. Currently, online courses have more than six million students worldwide.

eLearning industry statistics

Statistics can be of great help in understanding the real impact the eLearning industry is having on our lives. Let’s look at the main ones:

  1. A report from GlobalNewswire [1] states the eLearning industry is projected to reach $ 305.3 billion by 2025.
  2. BusinessWorld’s report says the eLearning industry in India will reach $ 1.96 billion by 2021, growing at a rate of 25% per year.
  3. According to Fortune Business Insights, the Global Learning Management System (LMS) is expected to be valued at $ 38.10 billion by 2027.

Crucial roles of the eLearning industry in our lives

The eLearning industry is growing rapidly. In addition, it is also developing technologically. Take AR and VR for example. Now fields such as medicine, engineering, and architecture use AR and VR to teach their students. Not only does this lead to a better study experience, but it also makes learning interesting and fun.

Let’s look at 6 benefits of the eLearning industry:

1. Accessible learning

With the help of eLearning, more and more students can have the resources to learn anywhere, anytime. In addition, eLearning takes education to remote places where there are no schools. In addition, in many countries children have to spend most of their time making money. So they leave school. eLearning can fill this space if they have more access to smartphones.

2. Education becomes cheaper

With the help of the internet, it is not only possible to learn for free, but also to get support from real people who don’t ask as much for students as colleges. The Khan Academy and Udemy, for example, are top examples of offering free classes for quite some time. And the best part is that the curriculum covered by such learning apps is suitable for students from different countries.

In addition, other things like notebooks, books, pens, etc. are no longer needed. This avoids unnecessary expenses and the students no longer have to carry heavy bags with many books.

3. Personalized learning support

Many eLearning apps use AI to track user performance. Accordingly, the AI ​​offers them a personalized learning experience with helpful tips. Apps like Embibe also have a website. On the portal you can choose your preferred course and test your knowledge regularly. Each test leads to a personalized chart in which you can see your weaknesses and strengths.

4. An earnings platform for teachers

A few years ago teachers were either dependent on colleges or on tuition fees. But the main difference between online learning and classroom teaching [2] is that now everyone with a good knowledge of a certain subject has a chance to make money. Signing up for these platforms and being a teacher is easier even for newbies.

5. Opportunity to improve employee skills

Many employees grow in their careers by signing up for the qualification courses. As the saying goes, “There’s no real age to study.” Organizations like Udemy offer competency-based learning courses like Python, Java, economics, and more so that people can expand their skills.

6. Enjoyment of learning

As mentioned earlier, AR and VR technologies are used to teach medical students. In addition, many schools have introduced technology to teach students about topics such as space, science, technology, and more. Current AR technology is intelligent enough to recognize real objects and integrate AR elements into them. In addition, VR technology brings students much closer to the real world. So, in addition to being easy to understand, it’s a fun way to remember things.


The future of eLearning is evolving and has not yet reached its full potential. There are many countries where the internet is still expensive. Hence, reaching every user in the market is still a task for the eLearning industry that sounds impossible. However, if things change, such as cheaper internet for everyone and more users able to use smartphones, the eLearning industry will also have a positive impact.


[1] The global e-learning market is projected to reach US $ 305.3 billion by 2025

[2] How e-learning platforms compete with the traditional learning system

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