
Canada Association of Tourism Employees

Important On-line Coaching Matters For eLearning

Essential online training topics that make it easy to switch from traditional training

One of the most difficult aspects of transitioning from traditional training to corporate e-learning is knowing when the time is right. You have to work hard to ensure that stakeholders get their buy-in. However, you also need to determine which online training courses will drive your new online training strategy and demonstrate that the investment in the LMS has paid off. You have to be strong competitors to show how much learning technologies can benefit your business. Here are 8 key online training topics that will make switching from traditional training the perfect choice.

8 topics to help you transition to eLearning

1. Compliance with health and safety regulations

Online health and safety training is at the bottom of an employee’s “favorite topic” list. These are usually long presentations and over-dramatized videos. However, you can change that by moving it online and using interactive resources to encourage engagement. For example, animated demo videos, simulations and serious games are suitable for this type of online training topic. Give employees an opportunity to delve into the health and safety branching scenario for hands-on experience. Instead of forcing them to make mistakes in the job that lead to injuries and compliance violations.

2. Company policies

Company policy training is a major online training topic, which usually includes extensive manuals and final exams to determine if employees have been paying attention. Online training can help you showcase your guidelines in action through tutorials, do / don’t videos, and interactive real-world examples. You can even allow managers and team leaders to host live events that focus on specific guidelines. For example, the HR manager can go through interview and hiring guidelines before seasonal recruiting begins.

3. Building interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills are one of the most difficult training topics to teach online. But you are also one of the most important talents that affects every aspect of your business. From dealing with unhappy customers to communicating with colleagues. Online training gives employees first-hand experience and enables them to optimize active listening, empathy, and other key skills. For example, group collaboration projects allow them to interact with colleagues and see things from a new perspective. In branching scenarios and simulations, they learn how to decipher expressions, body language and other non-verbal cues.

4. Product knowledge

Companies that frequently expand their product line or change their services have difficulty keeping up with traditional training methods. With the help of online training, you can convey product knowledge faster and globally. For example, provide product demos or infographics to your remote sales team before the official start date. You can even learn how to map the product to virtual customer personalities or overcome the most common reservations.

5. Leadership

Some people think leaders are born and not made. Obviously, they have never participated in real-world activities that give them hands-on experience and enable them to learn from mistakes. For example branching scenarios that test how well they apply their skills and knowledge in a group setting. Or when they can resolve a workplace conflict and get their subordinates back on track. Online training enables personalized skills building based on the team leader’s gaps. Rather than forcing everyone to complete a mandatory three day seminar that just touches the surface of such online training topics (and costs a fortune in travel expenses).

6. Ethics

Ethics is a slippery slope when it comes to online training. Employees are more likely to bend the rules because they aren’t sure what bribery is. Or if their actions are really a breach of trust and affect your credibility. There are too many gray areas. With online training, you can customize training materials based on personal vulnerabilities and company standards. You can cover topics relevant to your company and give employees the opportunity to study them in depth. For example, meet a virtual customer who is offering them a gift. Or have a conversation with a coworker who shares a secret that could negatively affect the company.

7. Software mastery

Employees need to know how to use the in-house software to conduct day-to-day business operations and securely manage your data. Or you may need to sell software solutions and your employees need to be able to demonstrate their benefits and demonstrate the product. Either way, online training courses can help you master the software through interactive demos, simulations, and walkthroughs. This is another theme that is ideal for live events. Start the screencasting tool and show employees how they can use all functions in real time. Then ask questions to make sure they fully understand the USPs or features.

8. Customer service

I know it’s one of those online training topics that is making a broad screen. However, online training is tailored for customer service. From teaching employees how to use the POS system to teaching them critical communication skills, they need to increase customer satisfaction. The key here is experience. Employees don’t just read about how to deal with customer problems or listen to a lecture. They live it in the form of simulations, case studies, personal anecdotes, and demos. You can see where they made a mistake in the past, how to fix the problem in the future, and what skills they will need. You can also start an online certification training program. This applies to each department to check that it has the necessary prerequisites.


These are 8 essential online training topics that become very immersive and engaging after the jump. Learning technologies breathe new life into even the dullest and driest of topics. The secret is learning about your employees’ preferences and personal goals so you can meet their expectations. As well as keeping a record of absolutely everything to show stakeholders that the effort is worthwhile.

Something is missing from your online training course but you can’t quite tell? Pick the perfect outsourcing partner to help you conduct a training needs analysis and select the best topics for your team.

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