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Immersive Studying Sources For Course Design

How to integrate immersive learning resources into your eLearning course design

Immersive learning resources go well with ANY eLearning experience. Adult learners (and some teenagers) end up remembering something that all kindergarten teachers know: song lyrics are easier than facts. Teachers of young children know this perfectly – hence the alphabet song. It’s likely because music is very immersive. We dance, we tap our toes, we snap our fingers, we hear it, we feel it. It’s so ingrained. When we hear the song again, even decades later, we remember where we first heard it. We can recreate that first emotion, reproduce the outfit we wore, even the scents around it.

Immersion is a powerful thing. It cements ideas in our long-term memory and encourages us to deal emotionally with the eLearning content. We can also keep external distractions at bay so that they don’t hinder knowledge transfer. Below are 5 tips on how to incorporate comprehensive eLearning resources into your eLearning course design.

5 creative immersive learning activities

1. Ambient audio

Putting song lyrics into an adult education course can feel patronizing, which will put off your online learners. Instead, subliminal sound is suitable for immersive learning resources. Statistics show that most Internet videos are viewed with the sound turned off. Hence, modern e-learning content creators always include subtitles. But now, watch your favorite movie, sitcom, or go to YouTube. Click on a video and don’t skip the ad when it’s showing. Watch the first few seconds with the sound off, then turn up the sound. If you look carefully, you will notice an emotional change.

It’s not about the speaker (although that does matter). A theater teacher explained it beautifully. He asked, “How do you know the bad guy is about to show up? Or that someone is about to die? The music!’ In popular movies, you see the soundtrack and you can’t remember exactly where that song was played on the show. That’s because it was environmental conditions. It was so far in the background that you hardly noticed it, but it still set your mood. Use sound effects and ambient noises in your audio clips to subconsciously influence your online learners.

2. Interactive video

Aside from “hidden” music, one of the other elements that you may not be aware of about your display is the lighting. You probably never noticed it before, but now pay attention. Comedies have flat, bright lighting. Soaps have romantic sunset / sunrise / candlelight tones. Horror films always look dark, foggy and washed out, even if the scene takes place around noon. So when creating a video for your eLearning course, you are using Hollywood sound and light techniques. Don’t just hire an actor to read the lines. Secure them with nifty multimedia tools.

At the same time, avoid passive experiences for immersive learning. No matter how interesting a movie is, the video game version is more complicated. When your viewer becomes part of the story, it touches them more deeply and remembers it more. You can use virtual reality, 3D glasses, and surround sound headsets. You can also shoot from a first-person perspective with a portable running camera. This makes the viewer feel like the main character. Integrate active immersive learning resource tools that allow online learners to influence the on-screen action. You can adjust their viewing angle with a mouse or change the scene with one click.

3. Guide Don’t decide

When using immersive learning resources, it can be tempting to choose a path for your online learners and impose a “moral” on them. Instead, program “alternative endings” for your immersive scenario. Let online learners decide how things should go and let them go through to the end. You can repeat the simulation to see how things might otherwise play out.

Multimedia branching scenarios do this really well. Likewise RPGs (role players) that focus on everyday work scenarios. They could sort inventory items to find the ideal choice for their customer. Or they might miss their alarm and need to creatively mix their travel options to get to work on time. In all of these branching scenarios, the time factor increases urgency and pumps adrenaline. You can use a timer in any branching scenario, even a simple right-wrong quiz. However, keep a linear plot and avoid unnecessary details and distractions.

4. Social interactions

Online learners tend to get lost in group settings. You start a conversation and suddenly an hour has passed. However, you can harness the power of social interactivity in online training courses and keep them focused on the task at hand. It’s just a matter of structure. Provide online learners with a problem or real-world puzzle that they need to solve. Then invite them to split into groups and work together. Immersive learning resources let them immerse themselves in the experience by delighting each other and enjoying the online training.

5. Live eLearning events

Host live e-learning events where online learners can ask questions in real time and interact with the host. Think about the last time you attended an interesting conference or workshop. Chances are, you were fully engaged and emotionally invested in what the presenter had to say. The same applies to live e-learning events. Just make sure the audience is involved so they feel like active participants. Instead of just talking about the key ideas and hoping something sticks. You can also include other interactive elements, such as: B. Social media discussions and follow-up serious games.


When you involve all the senses, a situation becomes more intense so that we can better remember it. Fortunately, there are many ways to apply this to immersive learning resources. Use ambient audio, interactive video, and video game simulations based on everyday activities. The more senses you involve, the better your online learners will retain what they are learning. Keep your eLearning content engaging and try to create an emotional connection. Make your online learners giggle, jump in their seats, or hide a tear. These are lessons you will never forget in several ways, and that’s exactly what you want.

Are you looking for ways to make your eLearning course stand out from the crowd? Download our eBook Step in the Screen: The Role of AR / VR Technology in the Future of eLearning, To The Benefits of Using Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies In eLearning, The Integration of AR / VR In eLearning Courses and discover some of the best practices for creating online training courses using AR technology.

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