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HR On-line Coaching Badges To Embody In Your Course

HR online training badges that will boost your courses

The human resources department is a key department in any organization. Unfortunately, it is often laid off. Why? Because its practitioners are not always well educated. And because so many employees have had bad experiences with HR, they have a blanket negative attitude towards it. By improving the skills in your HR department, you can make life easier for everyone in the company. Offer the right online training sessions. And giving out a concrete reminder of each new skill learned can help validate your department. Badges are also a great way to verify that all of the required lessons are included in the HR online training course. Here are 6 creative badges to include in your online HR training.

6 Inspired Badge Ideas for HR Training

1. Labor Laws

It’s not that hard to spot labor laws in your area. You can do a quick google search or visit your department or ministry of labor. However, not many of us go to the trouble of doing this until something wrong happens at work. Then we hurry to check if it’s legal. Your HR staff shouldn’t have to google like other employees. You should have these regulations on hand.

In addition, they should advise colleagues whether or why they are being violated (not). Laws are the kind of lesson you can memorize, but Human Resources has to go a step further. You should know the rules word for word, but you must also be able to translate them. If your work colleagues are taken by surprise by lawyers, the HR team should know how to put it in plain English. Once they can do so, they will receive an HR online training badge. For example, incorporate branching scenarios so employees can see that labor laws are linked to day-to-day work tasks. Branch scenarios also serve as an assessment to determine if they received the coveted badge.

2. Hiring Policy

In a properly functioning organization, the HR department is responsible for recruitment and fires. In reality, employment (and unemployment) sometimes happens at the whim of department heads. Even so, it is still the HR department that creates contracts and job descriptions. Your team of employees needs to know how to do this. You should be familiar with all of the fine print and gaps so that if there is a problem, they can solve a problem. Guide your HR team through simulated scenarios. They should cover typical cases like maternity / paternity leave, promotions, or job grades.

You should also address more contentious issues, such as what exactly is a breach of contract. When someone goes to their HR manager, emotional stress is usually already a reality. Empower your HR professionals with the right skills and knowledge to calm disgruntled coworkers. Then offer a digital badge to prove it.

3. Safe working conditions

Some companies offer employee compensation while others offer health insurance. Unfortunately, when an employee gets sick or injured, they often have to negotiate with their insurance company. They do not know which diseases / complaints are suitable and which are not. Then they have to control how many days they can withdraw without getting fired.

A HR manager is ideally the most suitable person to deal with this. The sick patient should be healed and / or invalid family members should be attended to. During the online HR training, guide your HR staff through vacation conditions, including sick leave, birth allowances, bereavement guidelines, and workplace injuries. In this case, the HR manager is (or at least should be) an advocate for employees. You should translate your organizational requirements for your employees and receive an HR online training badge after completing the course.

4. Prevention of Harassment

The world has become quite content about sexual or other harassment in the workplace. But that didn’t necessarily make the company premises safer. We have to deal with bullying every day, even in a virtual environment. And when you’re in this situation, you want HR to have your back.

HR employees have better access to management than normal employees. Make sure your HR learners are given thorough lessons on all aspects of harassment. Know how to identify, escalate, and deter incidents. It makes the workplace more engaging, keeps employees, and is generally the right thing to do. Plus, it’s a badge they’ll be proud of because it makes a real difference to the organization.

5. Recruitment 101

HR also involves finding, reviewing, and hiring new team members. And with that there is a whole training niche for company guidelines / compliance. HR staff must be able to interview and engage new employees in accordance with your company policies and local laws.

For example, they should know how to qualify new employees without violating their personal rights or data protection laws. Develop online training support resources for tutorials and micro-learning that focus on each phase of the hiring process. Then test their knowledge through serious games that cover the full cycle from start to finish and award them with an HR online training badge.

6. Performance evaluations

Department heads and supervisors usually conduct annual reviews. However, the HR department can also assume this responsibility. At the very least, they need to train team leaders on how to conduct assessments within compliance and company policy. For example, create demo videos that walk you through the evaluation process and highlight the pros and cons.


So often are HR teams taken for granted that many of them have multiple jobs in the same company. It is not uncommon for the HR manager to act as an administrator or head of procurement. Whether this happens or not, it is best to make sure that the HR part of their job is properly trained. Badges provide evidence of acquired skills and give the department visible accountability. Assign digital icons to review training on labor law, hiring and firing, workplace safety, medical guidelines, and corporate anti-bullying training.

You’d like to incorporate these badges into your HR online training, but will your LMS even allow it? Use our free online directory to find a system that provides gamification support so that you can incentivize your online training course.

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