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Defining conflict management skills in online leadership training

Sometimes the office feels like an extension of the high school, with the same cliques. You could continue the role you played in high school or reinvent yourself. The darker side of this situation is that coworkers often quarrel, just like children in the playground. And it is up to the good managers to solve these crises. Also, make sure everyone is playing fair and staying productive in the workplace. If possible, these disagreements can even be used for the benefit of all. Can you consolidate these conflict management skills through online leadership training?

6 Insider Tips for Building Leadership Conflict Management Skills in Online Training

1. Gather feedback from your team leaders

Horizontal organizations are growing in popularity and can be an effective business system. A number of supervisors provide a better overview because the process is transparent. Mentoring is more practical and since the management pool is larger, there are more opportunities for professional development. Executives interact with their accusations at closer levels so that they have a clearer idea of ​​sources of conflict. It could be a personality conflict or a minor violation that has developed over time. Gain insights from team leaders as the course develops. They can suggest the topics to be covered, as well as any conflict management skills they would like to put into practice in online leadership training.

2. Create contextual simulations in online leadership training

We always assume that workplace conflicts are customer-oriented. This type of training therefore focuses on customer care. The focus is on clichéd placements like “We apologize for the inconvenience” and “Here is your ticket number.” Conflicts between colleagues are more common than drama involving customer contact. Disagreeing with your peers while maintaining warm relationships at the same time can be a challenge. However, exercise helps give your employees simulations of various uncomfortable contexts. Cultural influence can come into play. For example, they can simulate awkward discussions about gender, class, race, etc. Then practice applying these skills to other situations.

3. Teach non-verbal communication

Everyone can recognize the look their parents sometimes give them. They likely adapted a version of this for their own children. It’s the perfect example of clear non-verbal interaction. Use online videos and simulations to train your team on body language and unspoken cues in the workplace. In intimate relationships, fights can begin with a single raised eyebrow, an untimed blink, or a dismissive shrug. Colleagues often apply the same standards to each other unless they don’t speak them out. So it can simmer and lead to long-term resentment that boils over if you don’t teach effective leadership conflict management skills. Teach your employees to recognize body language and react accordingly. It could release tension before it starts and lead to constructive engagement rather than matches in the office. Nonverbal communication is especially helpful for calming down angry customers. Train your team to read a customer’s posture and avoid problems.

4. Positive engagement

In corporate situations, our trained response is to avoid emotions. The feeling is frowned upon and anger is often interpreted as aggression. However, positive emotional engagement can be a good thing as it builds empathy and connection. Relationships on a human level involve feelings. Conflict resolution is therefore not a lack of feelings. Instead, train your team to use emotional intelligence in a respectful and positive manner. Online training activities should include de-escalation and redirection. It’s not about ending the fight or preventing disagreements. It’s about learning to mutually disagree and find a middle ground. Ultimately, different perspectives can be openly shared and compromised, resulting in better products, services and work environments in general.

5. Create demo videos for online executive training

It is much easier to identify the mistakes of others than to recognize our own. This also applies when our behavior is reflected back on us. Apply this principle with online executive training videos. Show them a model of poor conflict management skills and instruct them to determine exactly how and where things went wrong. Ask them what they would have done differently. Then offer them a video of more effective conflict resolution tactics. Let them tell the difference between the two videos. This will anchor the right and wrong ways to deal with problems as they escalate. You can acquire specific conflict resolution tactics. Use an infographic template to summarize the video with actions or phrases that can be applied in specific scenarios.

6. Make it relatable with personal anecdotes

Stories and anecdotes help team leaders apply their newly discovered skills in real-life settings. You can see how their colleagues and supervisors have dealt with similar situations and resolved conflicts in the workplace. You can incorporate anecdotes in a number of ways. From hosting live events with an open microphone where everyone has a chance to share, to starting a social media group or blog that your team leaders can share personal experiences with. Of course, you can also include them in your course design or liven them up with video clips and characters. For example, turn the story into engaging animation that shows leadership conflict management skills in action. The key is to encourage team leaders to network and facilitate practical application.


Conflict resolution is a childhood skill, especially when you are at the center of birth chronology, also known as intermediate child syndrome. And even as an adult, resolving office battles can feel like stepping back into the schoolyard. Fortunately, you can use online courses to practice this skill and apply it in a mature way. Ask team leaders to escalate any issues they have seen on their teams. They can tell you what areas they need help with. Use their feedback to develop contextual simulations. Include sessions on body language and positive disagreement. Finally, record videos that show your employees what not to do in conflict situations.

Are your employees always at odds with each other? Are you making the most of in-house talent? Download our eBook. Turn Top Talent Into Team Leaders: The Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development Training to Find Your Up-and-Coming Stars and Prepare Them for Management.


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