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How to improve performance and compliance with advanced tools for learning data analysis

How important is the analysis of compliance learning data in the post-COVID world? Without in any way trying to downplay the debris of the lives and livelihoods of the global pandemic, it cannot be denied that the tragedy had a transformative effect on learning. Almost overnight, in 2020, digital became the standard means of supporting learning, as the basic requirement for personal “classroom” training became untenable. Digital transformation programs have been massively accelerated. Likewise, long-cherished digital learning pet innovation projects that had lagged and gotten out of hand for years were suddenly general, urgent needs.

Learning curves are sharp for many and adapting to the new world has not been without pain. However, this uncomfortable necessity catapulted us into a central place for digital learning that only seemed to occupy a place on the distant horizon months earlier. It’s hard to say for sure what the coming years might have in store, but research shows that many of the gains made in online learning will be preserved. One of these benefits is a more data-rich environment for L&D, as digital assisted learning necessarily generates more data than personal activities.

Today’s businesses are already inundated with data – and as L&D increasingly uses the company’s popular platforms such as Zoom, Teams and Slack, it may at least bring L&D closer to the day-to-day workflow of a modern, data-driven company.

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Data and Learning: Adding Learning Analytics to Your Organization

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Compliance Learning Data Analysis: Tools for Travel

Strong underlying drivers, as well as the growing demand from business leaders for a data-driven approach, therefore lead L&D professionals to a closer relationship with learning analytics and require a forward-looking, sustainable strategy for learning analytics. Here is some help to do that.

We have some tips on how to shape this strategy, but before we get into that, let’s focus briefly on the area of ​​learning analytics. At both an individual and a team and organizational level, this is an important consideration in your learning analytics strategy as this is the area where L&D most often feels it is disadvantaged. While L&D recognizes that data may be the single most important area in which to develop skills, it also believes it lacks the skills and knowledge to effectively implement a data analysis strategy.

For this reason, Learning Pool has added two important new functions to the L&D planning toolkit, two free, freely available resources:
● The Learning Analytics maturity model (LAMM)
● The Learning Analytics Canvas (LAC)
Here it is worthwhile to briefly address the importance of each individual for strategic planning.

Learning Analytics maturity model (LAMM)

We are often held back in our efforts to improve the ability of “unknown unknowns”. In particular, we don’t really know how to measure our ability to learn analytics against that of other organizations. Are we latecomers or pioneers? Are there experiments that we have done in the past that we overlook the importance of? If you use the LAMM questionnaire, you can compare the “state of the art” of learning analytics in your company on the basis of a broad sample of similar organizations in four functional areas.

Most likely, you will find yourself in a similar place as many of them, or even a little ahead of the pack. But knowing this is really helpful for you to move forward.

Perhaps more importantly, the LAMB can also tell you what your next steps are and in which particular areas you are more or less advanced. This will help you advance your path into skill development and essential parts of strategic planning.

The Learning Analytics Canvas (LAC)

Based on the Business Model Canvas that will be familiar to many, the LAC is a planning tool and checklist that can be used by anyone starting a project or program that aims to learn data, regardless of their data maturity level.

Too often analysis learning within an organization only takes place on a project or program basis. A particular initiative needs to be assessed (usually ex-post) and the methodology to be used is specific to that program. With the LAC, you can use a common planning methodology for any type of analytical activity and make analytical planning a regular, embedded, and sustainable part of the L&D activity.

The LAC also helps remove the confusion associated with the subject of assessing learning impact. It is easy to be amazed how many valuation methods have been adopted in the sixty years since the four-tier model known by the acronym “Kirkpatrick” was introduced. Using the LAC gives you a solid foundation against which to judge which assessment model is best to use in specific circumstances.

Seven tips for developing a learning analytics strategy

Armed with these handy tools, you’ll be better able to plan a learning analytics strategy to use data to support working people who want to improve their knowledge and skills while understanding a confusing, complex, and rapidly changing business reality. As you do this planning, there are a few things to keep in mind along the way.

1. Take a 360 Degree Approach to Data Learning

You wouldn’t just drive with your rearview mirror so don’t limit yourself to learning assessment (as important as it is). A more holistic approach also gives you side mirrors, a dash cam, and a clearer view of the road. It’s not just about evaluation or analysis.

2. Be proactive

If you wait for the company to ask for better data, the conspiracy of convenience theory suggests that it may never happen. However, they run the risk of becoming irrelevant and ultimately out of date. Start making data a central part of your practice today and educate your internal and external clients about the benefits of a data-driven approach.

3. Make a realistic assessment

Use learning data to assess your company’s maturity as a first step towards improvement. The Learning Analytics Maturity Model (LAMM) will help you with this.

4. Start where you use the available resources

Organizations today are full of data, although that could mean building new alliances and learning new skills to maintain them.

5. Be agile

Start small, fail quickly, learn in the process. Use the Learning Analytics canvas as a starting point for your next project to analyze compliance learning data and see how it can be controlled differently when starting with data.

6. Use multiple data sources

You need to assess and apply a portfolio of evidence approach. Don’t expect a smoking gun to exist when it comes to impact assessment. Most likely, all you can do is prove you’re the reason for the change, but you can stack this deck higher with more data points.


Last but not least, the customer is always right. To drive the adoption of learning analytics in your company, you need to convince customers that the results of your work are worthwhile. As soon as customers start asking for analysis, as data from the LAMM shows, the deal seems to be coming into line.

Download the eBook Data and Learning: Adding Learning Analytics to Your Business to Meet Your Performance Goals and Overcome L&D Barriers. You can also attend the webinar to learn more secrets for planning your big data journey.

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