
Canada Association of Tourism Employees

How To Create Compelling Compliance Coaching

Can compliance training influence corporate culture?

Are you an L&D professional with the daunting prospect of creating compliance training for your company? Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be as boring as it sounds! This article provides some proven tips to take your compliance training to the next level. Compliance is cool now.

Why bother? It’s just compliance

As tempting as it is to go through the compliance training build process to focus on more interesting soft skill projects, don’t. Here are some reasons why you should improve your compliance training:

Culture is at the core of everything

If, like me, your company has a strong culture, consider creating compliance training that reflects that. In this new era of remote working, many of us miss our office, our colleagues, and just the culture in general. Create a sense of connectedness by capturing this corporate culture and voice in your training.

There are no second first impressions

Do you remember your first week at your company? Let me guess, you had to go through hours of nerve-wracking compliance videos, right? Give fresh start the insider shovel from day one; When you show them that even your compliance courses are personalized and innovative, they’ll know what kind of company they work for right from the start.

Happy people are constantly learning

Creating a ready-to-use compliance course that encompasses your company culture can also help build morale and instill a sense of oneness during times when we all feel isolated. Make sure that every training session gives employees a sense of your corporate spirit, even if it is about compliance. Make your colleagues’ day and surprise them with a fun, interactive and relevant compliance course.

Create, engage, repeat

Compliance training may not be popular, but it is essential to the business. Sending passive-aggressive emails might eventually do the trick, but wouldn’t it be great if employees actually looked forward to their next compliance training? Well it is possible! Try these tips:

  • Storytelling is key
    When creating a character, you can use storytelling to bring boring subjects to life. Whether it’s a superhero flamingo or a virtual assistant, use this character to humanize your training. Always make sure this character matches the brand and tone of the business. You can give tips, provide feedback, or be the hero in your compliance disasters. They are your key to storytelling.
  • Create a communication strategy Create interest before you even start exercising
    Use company tools like Workplace or Slack to share sneak peek trailers about upcoming compliance courses. Generate buzz and start conversations before your course even starts. Use video or image to get attention, and when you have a willing CEO, have them do the voice-over and award points or badges to correctly identify the voice.
  • Level up with a great gamification strategy
    You have your character, your communication strategy is on point, what’s next? Get 100% completion rates for your compliance courses by adding gamification to motivate employees and make them not just complete the training but smash it! Try to divide the training into levels and award badges, points or certificates to successfully complete levels. Hand out badges to the first employee to complete 100% of the course and create compliance training leaderboards to keep people interested.
  • Pick a tone
    Now that you have your character and gamification strategy, it’s time to set the tone and appearance of your course. If you do decide on a superhero theme, for example, make sure your copy and artwork reflect that.
  • Don’t lose sight of your goal
    Don’t get too involved in the fun, the core of the training is the learning goal. Constantly ask yourself whether each content contributes to the learning objective, if not, reconsider it.
  • Just keep it stupid
    Creative doesn’t mean complicated. Always prioritize clarity and clean user experience over gimmicks. Keep the call-to-action buttons and navigation clear and simple, make sure your character adds value to the training content, and if in doubt, leave it out.

game over

Life can be more than compliance, but it’s a very real factor for businesses. In tough times, an original, engaging, and thoughtful compliance course gives us the opportunity to reach out to our colleagues, cheer them up, and remind them of the culture you both share. Just remember, when your compliance courses are this innovative, the sky’s the limit for your business.

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