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How To Align Fast eLearning Growth Technique To Enterprise Targets

This is how you align your strategy for rapid learning development with the business goals

Why do organizations train employees on the job? Achieve business goals. And what are these business goals? Every organization has its own business goals that it must achieve. And in order to achieve their business goals, companies must:

  • Sell ​​more
  • Increase efficiency
  • Stay Compliant

And this is where training can help!

eBook release

Unveiling of Rapid eLearning Design and Development – A Guide for Corporate Training Managers

Discover what fast eLearning is, how to align it with your business goals, and what tools you need for the task!

Fast eLearning strategy and business goals

A company’s success is measured by how quickly and efficiently it can achieve its goals. This is the reason why eLearning has quickly become popular in corporate training today. Because it is so well aligned with the learning objectives, it meets the training needs at the speed of need. This is a great way to create a quick eLearning strategy that supports your business goals.

1, Do a training needs analysis

Before starting any training development process, it is imperative to conduct a Training Needs Assessment (TNA). A training needs analysis looks at the organization and its overall goals, as well as the different types of training staff that must be provided to achieve those goals. It answers the following questions:

  • What knowledge / skills / behavior do learners currently display in the workplace?
  • What knowledge / skills / behavior outcome is expected from the learner in order to achieve the business objectives?
  • What knowledge / skills / behavior do they need to acquire in order to close the performance gaps?

The answers to these questions will help you set learning goals, determine the best training approach (classroom? E-learning? Blended learning?) And also the infrastructure (tools for fast authoring, learning management system, etc.).

2. Framework for SMART Learning Objectives for your rapid eLearning development strategy

Learning objectives are clear statements that convey what the learner can do at the end of the course. The content, teaching design and assessments depend on the learning objectives. They let learners know what’s in it for them to take the course. Learning objectives must be SMART:


At the end of the course, you should clearly state what the learners need to achieve.


They should be measurable and have a goal for learners to achieve.


You should be available within the given time and under the respective conditions.


They should be relevant to the topic of training and geared towards the larger business goal.

Time bound

They should have a set time frame within which they must be achieved.

3. Follow an agile instructional design model

An instruction design model is used to define the activities in the eLearning development process. ID models provide guidelines for planning, designing, developing, and delivering training courses for learners.

The Successive Approximation Model (SAM) follows an agile and iterative process that saves a lot of time by “recognizing” the problem in the early stages of development, thereby reducing the error rate.

SAM is a cyclical process with three phases – planning, design and development.

  • All inputs are collected in the planning phase. The learning objectives, content and the design of the course are determined.
  • The design phase involves rapid prototyping, which involves creating a fully functional example of the course (the prototype) to give stakeholders an idea of ​​what the final course would look and feel like.
  • In the development phase, the actual course development and review takes place before the course can be made available to learners.

The main differentiator of the SAM model is its iterative nature. The process is cyclical with reviews and feedback implementation at each stage.


Download the eBook Introducing Rapid eLearning Design and Development – A Guide for Enterprise Training Managers to Find the Right Tools and Techniques for Implementing a Rapid eLearning Development Strategy That Can Help You Meet Your Primary Goals . You can also attend the webinar to learn the basics of effective learning.


eBook publication: CommLab India

CommLab India

Working with multiple outsourcing providers can be stressful and a waste of time and money. With CommLab India, all of your online training needs will be met quickly and economically.

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