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Gross sales Enablement Course: 6 Straightforward Steps To Launch

Step-by-step guide to delivering a successful sales enablement course

While sales training is geared towards imparting product know-how and mastering tasks, sales enablement is a holistic approach. For example, employees learn to overcome customer fears and lead nurturing. Let’s take a step-by-step look at how to start your Sales Enablement course to improve CX scores and employee confidence.

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6 Easy Steps to Implementing a Sales Enablement Program to Improve Customer Relationships

How do you deliver a sales enablement course that will help your team achieve their goals and get customers to come back? It all starts with a solid strategy backed by analytics and measurable goals. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to implement sales promotion training programs that increase customer satisfaction and build brand loyalty.

1. Identify existing gaps

Begin your process by assessing the current state of your company. What, if any, sales enablement techniques or tools have you used to date? Are they in line with your overall sales and development goals? How high are the skills and knowledge of your employees? What could change your customers’ buying experience? These are some of the questions you need to ask yourself in order to identify the gaps a sales enablement course can bridge.

2. Create targeted goals

Once you have a complete picture of the current state of your company, you are ready to develop the vision that will take you forward. In order for your sales enablement course to take shape, it is crucial to set time-bound and measurable sales targets, guidelines and goals. This allows you to effectively assess, analyze and report on the aspects that may or may not work. For example, you want to increase your customer retention rate or shorten the training period for a new employee.

3. Choose the right tools

Choosing the right tools will turn your project from paper to reality. Well, when it comes to sales enablement, there really is no shortage of choice. So it all depends on the budget and the specific needs of your company. For example, you could use video coaching tools that introduce employees to new products and highlight their key selling points. Another choice is sales management tools to improve the accuracy of sales forecasts by collecting and managing raw data while keeping track of key performance indicators in real time.

4. Weigh the advantages of outsourcing vs. in-house

Another important decision is whether to design a sales enablement course yourself or to outsource it. You might be tempted to think that doing everything in-house can save you money in the long run. However, it is possible that your team lacks the knowledge, time, and resources necessary to carry out such a project on their own. Therefore, it can be a lot easier for you to hire a third party who brings their own tools and expertise. Since this endeavor also involves the sales and marketing teams working together, some outside guidance could help things run more smoothly. At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide what best suits your company.

5. Develop a JIT support library

Whether you choose to outsource or not, now is the time to start thinking about the content development process. The main weapon in your arsenal is your just-in-time support library. It contains all the tools with which your employees can directly access all the information they need with just a few clicks or taps. For example, a customer wants to know how a product works. The employee can access a video that demonstrates just this via the convenient JIT support library. This improves the CX and the chances of a successful sale. Don’t forget to make your content bite-sized, targeted, and most importantly, easy to find.

6. Start certification courses

The final step in delivering a successful sales enablement course is introducing certification courses. Don’t rule out certifications by thinking that they are only there to provide you with evidence of competency in the event of an audit. Certification courses offer so many benefits. The first is upholding standards by effectively monitoring your people’s skills and progress. At the same time, it helps you to keep the knowledge of your employees up to date, to discover problem areas or even new talents and to offer a personalized training experience. You can also implement a reward system that motivates employees and keeps them on the path of constant personal development. Ultimately, one of the best ways to evaluate and ensure the success of your sales enablement program over the long term is one of the best.

6 ways to evaluate salespeople skills in online training courses

Before you can launch a successful sales enablement course, you need to identify gaps and emerging challenges. These 6 assessment techniques can help you identify areas for improvement and create personalized training resources for your remote workers.

1. Simulations

When it comes to assessing training gaps and existing knowledge of your employees, it is important to establish a controlled environment that does not involve the actual customers. Performed in a virtual setup, simulations can give your team just that! And as employees tackle real-world situations, take risks, and learn from their mistakes, you can assess their weaknesses and strengths without worrying about your company’s reputation. For example, you can evaluate an employee’s ability to attract leads and turn them into customers using prospect simulations. In this activity, you will learn if their approach is effective and what aspects need improvement.

2. Peer-based feedback

Nobody knows the specifics of the sales process better than the people who carry it out. So it only makes sense to reach out to your employees to find out what works and what needs tweaking. Constructive criticism is the key in the work environment if you want to identify weak points, but you have to plan something. Make sure you provide guidance to your employees on how to give – and receive – effective and constructive criticism. In this way, you can add value to the opinion of your employees and master all challenges quickly.

3. Branch scenarios

A branching scenario is a great way to assess your employees’ skills as it puts them in the decision-making position. Essentially, a branching scenario maps a task and allows employees to make their own decisions and see where they are going. For example, you can design a branching scenario that focuses on upselling a specific additional service. At the end of the process, any less than optional options highlight the issues that you need to address in the Sales Enablement course.

4. Knowledge checks

Knowledge checks are another way of identifying potential for improvement. This is not a formal assessment method, but it can be very helpful in giving you instant feedback on learning progress from the employee’s point of view. Knowledge checks usually consist of a series of questions that are not graded in any way, but can give a clear idea of ​​employee training gaps.

5. Serious games

This online training tool has been gaining popularity recently due to the many benefits it can offer. Serious games promote user engagement, interactivity, motivation and direct feedback without deviating from the training purpose. At the same time, they inconspicuously collect data that is crucial for assessing their abilities. For example, the time to complete tasks, the number of attempts to complete tasks and the level of difficulty. Plus, they’re a discreet and fun way to provide feedback that encourages users to continually strive for better results, thereby improving their skills.

6. Gamification

Although serious games and gamification are often used in the same context, these two approaches are very different. While one focuses on getting the job done, the second is a more holistic strategy that focuses on leaderboards and reward systems. You can use gamification before starting – or even integrating – your Sales Enablement course to give your reps the opportunity to explore real-world problems in more engaging, fun, and rewarding ways. Once you’ve developed a number of key problem-solving skills through the games, no challenge is too difficult to tackle in the actual work environment.


Sales Enablement Training gives your team the skills, expertise, and hands-on experience it takes to not only introduce products, but also to maximize customer satisfaction. You have the opportunity to fill personal gaps and continuously expand your knowledge base. However, you need to choose the right support tools for the task and start a learner-centered program that takes into account all of their goals, tasks, and roles.

Download the eBook The Sales Manager Master Plan: Secrets To Skill Building To Boost Your Profit Margin, To Build Confidence, To Meet Goals, And To Improve The Health Of Your Profit.

eBook publication: VIVAHR


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