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Top Tips to Increase the CTR of Banner Ads

Most traditional marketers are strong on banner advertising. Why shouldn’t they be? Creating attention-grabbing eLearning banner ads gives you an inexpensive way to get attention. It’s a proven strategy that produces results. And when done right, banner campaigns offer many benefits.

When it comes to running banner ads, I’m totally at it because they can not only drive traffic to your landing pages, but they can also help develop highly qualified leads. But how can you ensure the effectiveness of such a campaign? Read on to find out!

How to improve the CTR for display ad campaigns

When it comes to e-learning banner advertising, click-through rate is very important. Especially if you’re promoting a lead magnet like an e-book or a live event, or even a free trial. What is a good CTR for a banner ad, you might be wondering? Well, like everything in life, it depends on several factors.

Many marketers struggle to get above a few percentage points. Not to mention, a low CTR will hurt both your confidence and your performance.

But don’t worry, with a little tweaking there are ways to make your banners more effective.

This is where you should focus if you want to improve the CTR of your eLearning banners:

Do you want to lead the right buyers to your favorite landing pages?

Learn how banner ads can help target corporate training buyers.

Start your banner campaign

1. Mobile-first delivery

If you want higher click-through rates, this is a no-brainer. The need to optimize your ads for mobile devices has been mentioned many times.

Did you know that 77.2% of all digital ad spend will be on mobile devices by 2022? So it clearly makes sense to talk about a mobile-first strategy.

Of course, this does not mean that the CTR is the only means of conversion. However, when measuring the success of your eLearning banner ads against this metric, the primary need to think mobile is mobile.

So make sure you scale your campaigns from smallest to largest. In fact, this is critical to a successful mobile-first strategy.

2. Create banners that appeal to your ideal buyers

With a little research, I found a great post from Moz that says 40% of viewers are more likely to engage with a display ad if it’s tailored to their needs. So where do I go with it? Content is king, but personalization and custom content marketing campaigns have even more robust results.

With this in mind, I advise against creating standardized banners. Instead, focus on tailoring your ad to your consumers. By using targeted messages or taking advantage of external factors, you are more likely to pique their interest. That said, relevance is vital. So be sure to use it to your advantage!

For example, a great way to make your e-learning banner ad campaigns more relevant is to schedule them near important dates and events. If you are planning a webinar or have published an eBook on a specific topic, you can target viewers who have already shown an interest in similar content.

It’s also important to check how the time of day and days of the week affect your CTR rates. For example, you might find that engagement is higher from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. There’s also a chance your CTR rates could drop as much as 12% during the week while bringing in more conversions on the weekend.

By constantly reviewing data and testing your campaigns, it will eventually work!

Please note that you can find many publishing platforms to serve your eLearning banner ads and generate new leads in case your website traffic is low. This way you get relevance and more traffic with a single movement!

3. Use location and behavior targeting for more relevance

Now if you run banner ads and target people from many different countries, you will see different CTRs. Why this? Well, people living in different countries clearly come across your message and your brand.

So focus on the data in your reports. By continually reviewing and testing these campaigns, you can evaluate the results and see why some ads are working and others are not. The above will help you develop strategies to increase your CTR.

You might also want to try behavioral targeting. From experience I can say that for highly personalized and timely marketing you need to know your target group. And, of course, how this target group interacts with your company.

Relevance is vital in the noisy world of digital marketing. It is the variable that will help you reach the right audience. However, it’s no longer enough to send targeted messages based on the demographics or interests of your target audience – effective marketing also uses data about how an audience interacts with a company.

For example, behavioral targeting can help you determine which ads and messages are most resonating with your audience based on their activity – whether it’s actions they take on your website, how often they log into your app, etc.

Seasoned e-learning marketers like you can use behavioral data to trigger personalized marketing. This gives you the opportunity to connect with prospects and customers who are most likely to interact with your app, buy your products, or commission your services.

Using behavioral targeting data, you can create audience segments based on actions or omissions. Do you need more details?

Check out our guide to pop-up banner ads for e-learning marketers for some helpful tips on how to increase your CTR and the effectiveness of your campaigns.

4. Optimize your texts, graphics and CTAs

Even the world’s most legendary idea will fail if you fail to resonate with your audience. However, if you implement an eLearning banner ad campaign correctly, those conversions will skyrocket.

When it comes to a good CTR or click-through rate, there is simply no one-size-fits-all answer. Why you might ask … Well, a good CTR always depends on your niche.

Let me share some numbers so that you can get a better understanding. When we place pop-up banners on our L&D-related pages, we get 53,000–102,000 impressions and 1,150–2,000 clicks. As a result, we have an average CTR of 1.96% to 2.17%. For the eLearning niche, these numbers are prime. Especially in the B2B area.

Our marketing team has tested and tested countless graphics and copies to identify best practices and achieve a good CTR for banner ads. Segmentation and personalization in particular will do the job.

By tailoring your messages, visuals, and CTAs to suit each purpose and buyer personality, you will get a higher CTR due to your personalized marketing efforts.

But even if you have a high average CTR that isn’t bringing relevant conversions, you’re probably not attracting people who are likely to convert. When this happens, you’ll need to make your targeting less broad, use more relevant ad copy, or optimize for both to get the results you want.

Always focus on keyword research before any campaign to give the audience what they are craving. You can also try to find suitable long-tail keywords and use them in your headline and text.

What types of eLearning banner ads should I try?

Banner ads come in many different types, shapes, and sizes. First off, we have website banner execution. More specifically, each shape / size is often referred to by a specific name (button, inline, leaderboard, skyscraper, etc.). A RoS banner ad usually has specific functions. For example, it can appear in the form of a static or interactive image. Also, some marketers use animation to make them fancy and attention grabbing.

As you can see, shape is immensely important. Likewise the position of the RoS banner. Depending on where it’s shown – top, center, bottom, or side – the positioning can have a huge impact on your CTR. If you want your eLearning banner advertisement to be successful, expect lots of trial-and-error tests. But when you find the goose with the golden eggs you will see firsthand that it was worth it!

There are also different types of popup banners. For example, you can enable click pop-ups when a visitor clicks on a specific link, picture, or word. This means that pop-up banners are only displayed because of an action taken. So you have full control and can try different approaches. Plus, these pop-up banners are ideal if you don’t want them to be too intrusive.

On the other hand, you can keep it traditional and go for intrusive popups that take up a lot of space when a user enters or leaves a landing page. Timely popups like these can be very effective depending on the topic and message. Or, you can use smaller popups to get your message across in more subtle ways.


So let’s summarize the most important aspects that you should focus on in order to achieve a well-deserved victory in banner advertising! First, make sure you are implementing the right targeting. Also, don’t be afraid to spend a little more time making your text copies.

Why not use multiple copies to test and see which one works best for a specific audience? Since pictures sometimes say more than words, you should also pay attention to a relevant design.

For example, you can experiment with different sizes and ideas. You may want to take a more creative approach and share your messages in a way that gets the audience thought and imagined.

Or maybe you want to reach them on an emotional level. Either way, in order to improvise and get it right, it is important to be brave!

Don’t forget your CTAs. Choosing the right keywords and adding power words to your ad text can turn the naysayers into your biggest fans! All you have to do is find the best way that will resonate with you.

It’s not just about having a great product or service, it’s also about having people you don’t know understand your value and what you are offering.

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