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eLearning Template Myths And Misconceptions

Common Myths About eLearning Templates and the Truth Behind Them

Some e-learning professionals avoid e-learning templates like the plague. It’s not that they don’t want to save time and avoid starting over. What prevents them from using ready-made layouts are misconceptions. That eLearning templates are the “lazy” route or that they lack the skills necessary to create something amazing from something pre-made. Then there are those on the other end of the spectrum who dive into the first eLearning template with unrealistic expectations. Let’s take a look at the 8 most common myths about eLearning templates and dispel them once and for all.

Debunking 8 Misconceptions and Myths of the eLearning Template

1. You do not need any design experience to use an eLearning template

Anyone can use an eLearning template, right? It’s simply a matter of choosing the right one, uploading it to your eLearning authoring tool, and then entering your details. This is what the placeholders are for. Unfortunately, you need a certain amount of graphic design experience to use eLearning templates effectively. Especially if you want to tailor them to your training needs and reflect your brand image and learning preferences. You should also be familiar with the features of your eLearning authoring tool so that you can add engaging graphics and multimedia content to your eLearning course design.

2. Free eLearning templates are not worth the investment

Yes, you can be free. However, many e-learning professionals assume that they are simply not worth the investment of time and that they are adding no value to their current e-learning project. This is one of the biggest myths about eLearning templates. There are actually free eLearning templates that are more user-friendly and versatile enough to suit your topic. They offer greater customization options that allow you to personalize eLearning content without a steep learning curve. You can also opt for inexpensive versions or invest in an eLearning authoring tool with built-in templates if free eLearning templates aren’t enough.

3. eLearning templates limit creativity

Another common myth about eLearning templates is that they limit your creative freedom. Using a pre-made eLearning template is impossible to achieve your vision and achieve the aesthetics you want. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. There are fully customizable eLearning templates that allow you to customize the color scheme, graphics, and other elements. As well as integrate branded messaging. If you feel constrained, you can always create your own reusable eLearning template to save time and money on future eLearning projects.

4. All eLearning templates produce the same results

ELearning resources created from eLearning templates all have the same general appearance. Not correct. An eLearning template is like any other tool. It gives you a foundation to build on and it’s your job to customize it. There are some eLearning templates that bear little resemblance to their former selves once turned into an eLearning course. It’s about adding your personal flair with the help of reused online resources and fast eLearning authoring tool assets.

5. You can use any eLearning template without any restrictions

If the eLearning template is available online, it’s a fair game. In fact, you need to check the usage rights for every eLearning template that you use in your eLearning course design. There may be certain restrictions and you don’t want to break any intellectual property rights or copyright laws. In some cases, you may need to obtain written approval. While others require you to leave their embedded link-in template and credit the source. If in doubt, contact the creator to see if there are any regulations to consider (which may lead you to select a different eLearning template entirely).

6. eLearning templates are compatible with every tool

This is one of the myths about eLearning templates that can lead to costly headaches. So you need to verify that your preferred eLearning template is compatible with your eLearning authoring tools and LMS. For example, it might be in a format that doesn’t match your tools. That means you will have to spend time looking for a new eLearning template, investing in other software, or trying to get it working. This requires a significant amount of troubleshooting and technical know-how. You can try searching for compatible eLearning templates using certain keywords. For example, include the name of your tool in the search parameters.

7. eLearning templates are for the “lazy” graphic designer

Only lazy eLearning professionals use eLearning templates to create results. You know the type of … people who don’t really care about the end-user experience. You just want to complete as many eLearning courses as possible as soon as possible. This is one of the eLearning template myths that no longer needs to be spread here and now. We need to change our perception of eLearning templates and recognize that they are not shortcuts, but a way to improve resource allocation. It’s not the easy way out. Instead, eLearning templates allow us to cut development time and build a solid framework. You still need to do it yourself and use your graphic design skills to turn them into a memorable eLearning experience.

8. You must be a graphic design guru to make something special out of an eLearning template

It takes a special kind of graphic designer to take an eLearning template to the next level. In short, you need a ton of experience, graphic design expertise, and a large team to do your magic. Fortunately, that’s not the case. I mentioned earlier that you need some level of graphic design experience. However, you don’t have to be a graphic design guru to turn an eLearning template into something completely unique and learning-centered. Granted, it can take some lateral thinking and creativity to tailor the layout to suit your training needs.


eLearning templates are not the solution for everything. And you need basic graphic design expertise to use it effectively and create something unique. However, you don’t necessarily have to be a graphic design professional with years of experience. The key is finding the ideal eLearning template for the task and using your skills, expertise, and internal tools to customize the eLearning content.

Are you choosing the right eLearning templates for your target group and topic? Download our free A to Z eBook eLearning Templates to learn how to accelerate the eLearning development process while reducing costs. ELearning templates give you a head start by letting you focus on the content of your eLearning course instead of worrying about graphic design or manufacturing errors.

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