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COI On-line Coaching Essential Matters To Cowl

COI Online Training: Key Topics To Include

Online conflict of interest training is a compliance matter, but it can be difficult to navigate. First, it is a relative term and the allegation requires a burden of proof. Unfortunately, it is costly to (re) prove such allegations, so avoid them altogether. It starts with your online exercise program. You want your learners in the company to understand and adopt your interpretation of conflicts of interest. You need the ability to recognize it and the tools to work around it. Here are 8 essential topics that should be included in the COI online training.

8 key COI training topics to cover

1. Ethics

Personal ethics can seem pretty simple. They are essentially about how you were raised and what you were taught is right or wrong. In the corporate sector, ethics are a little different. For example, if you were trained in pharmacy, you will likely apply to various chemical companies. However, sending an application to competing brands can be seen as an ethical issue. It becomes even more blurred when you work for a company and send an application to your competitor. COI online training must cover ethics specific to your industry and company.

2. Violation

The definition of transgression is also different. Should you apply for other positions if you notice your co-workers are leaving? It is usually natural to look for jobs in related industries. However, the fine print in your employment contract may contain a non-compete clause. Part of the COI online training should deal with the legal sections of employee contracts. These are technical things that are often skipped when signing. Now that they are working for you and could be a liability, it is in your best interest to demystify the jargon.

3. Identification

This is closely related to the injury. To know if you broke any of the terms, you need to know the terms. Include specific cases of this in your COI online training. These can be case studies, infographics or simulations. Culture can come into play because habits that may be acceptable in one place are frowned upon in others. For example, in certain societies they are expected to exchange gifts when visiting someone. This includes both social and business situations. In other cultures, the same gesture could be viewed as a bribe.

4. Penalties

Some companies avoid giving their price upfront. They find it crazy to be so open about money, even though it is the goal of a successful business. Likewise, the developers of COI compliance online training courses may not be willing to clearly state penalties, particularly amounts of money. However, this is an important part of COI online training as it reveals the true cost of a breach. It’s an effective deterrent and can be useful for employees who underestimate the damage they are causing. It is a good idea to have an appendix that lists specific violations and their implications. As well as online training simulations and practical examples that illustrate the negative consequences.

5. Personal gain

Conflicts of interest are by definition associated with personal gain. However, the gain is not always apparent. For example, suppose a family member owns a salon or bakery. Telling colleagues about it could be seen as support for a loved one. Telling customers about it could be viewed as marketing and get you in trouble with an ethics council. Some organizations take a more didactic approach in their COI online training courses. You could measure personal gain in terms of a direct financial reward. Or they set a price cap. You can refer to your sister’s catering business, but not her car or brokerage business. Their distinguishing feature here lies in the number of funds involved. They don’t see a problem with a free cake or two, but they feel uncomfortable with home sales commissions.

6. Individual bias

This is a sensitive topic, which is why your COI online training requires it. Personal bias could result from upbringing, religion, or individual life philosophies. For example, a practicing Hindu can choose an offer from a vegetarian caterer. Another F&B supplier may opt for a gluten-free baker. Both options can be price-based, but they leave your company vulnerable to COI allegations. During the COI online training, train your team to recognize their personal preferences and to recognize when they intervene in their company decisions.

7. Extraction

Once your learners in the company recognize a problem, they need help solving it. You may need to bargain, bargain, or grease the other party. You need tools to reverse the violation without ruining the business relationship. If you break out of this COI, you can strengthen your corporate ties with the right training. But only if you train them properly so make sure the online training content is well covered.

8. Bribes from customers / customers

Your salespeople, in particular, may be open to bribes from customers or customers. For example, they attend a meeting hoping to make a sale just to defend your organization’s honor by refusing a “gift”. Employees need to know what a bribe is and how to politely decline it without offending. You don’t want to diminish your company’s credibility. But you also don’t want to lose a valued customer to an honest mistake. For example, they didn’t even know that the gift was unethical. Your COI online training should give your staff some pointers on how to refuse the gift and why accepting a gift could put you in an awkward position.


Flagging Conflicts of Interest is only the first step towards compliance. Ideally, you want learners in the company to name and implement COI the same way you do. Train them in general ethics and list individual violations that could cause problems. Teach them to identify COI in unclear situations and explain the penalties involved. Explore potential gray areas such as personal gain and individual bias. Finally, they teach how to gracefully break free from compromising situations while maintaining their dignity and brand integrity.

COI is only part of the compliance puzzle. Read 8 Compliance Problems Solved Through Immersive Learning and Simulation Training to find out how learning technologies can help you address vulnerabilities.


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