
Canada Association of Tourism Employees

Anti-Discrimination And Variety Coaching By way of Microlearning

Implement ADDT in 3 steps using microlearning

Modern workplaces consist of employees who come from different cultures, races, religions, backgrounds and have different sexual orientations. In times of rampant political correctness, it is important for all employees of an organization to understand the individual experiences and points of view of their colleagues so that they do not show any unconscious bias or say something insensitive that could hurt another colleague’s feelings. An employee who feels offended, disregarded, misunderstood or discriminated against can suffer psychologically, which can affect their productivity and even result in them quitting their job or even filing a lawsuit against their organization. To avoid all of this, it is better for organizations to run an anti-discrimination and diversity training program.

As L&D has evolved and digital learning methods are best suited for today’s modern workforce, micro-learning seems like the best option for such a training program. We’ll discuss more reasons why micro-learning is the best option for such a training, but first let’s discuss why this training is equally relevant to small businesses and not just large companies.

Why Anti-Discrimination and Diversity Training Is Important for Small Businesses

Anti-Discrimination and Diversity Training (ADDT) is important for small businesses for the same reasons that it is important for larger businesses, but most importantly because large businesses may suffer serious lawsuits from minor employees, but a small business may not survive . A lawsuit damages a company’s reputation as well as financially. It is better to conduct training than to risk such a complication. Rather than viewing this as an additional cost, small businesses should view ADDT as a benefit that they could provide to their employees and their organization, such as: B. improved company opinion, improved employee loyalty, improved morale and of course less discrimination and harassment in the workplace. Now let’s see step by step how to implement ADDT using micro-learning.

1. Gather data

As with any type of training, but especially before implementing ADDT, you need to collect employee demographics. This helps the organization understand how employees may be divided based on age, disability, ethnicity, national origin, marital status, gender, gender identity or expression, language, position in the organization, physical characteristics, race, religion, ideology, and sexual Orientation. Collecting this data, which can be done through a simple survey, will help you curate content and topics for your ADDT micro-tutorial.

2. Identify problem areas

Once you have the data compiled, you need to identify the problem areas in your organization. What are the demographic minorities in your organization? Are you discriminated against? How do you feel about working in the organization? Are you underrepresented in the organization? By identifying problematic areas in the organization, you can identify the topics to focus on in your ADDT microlearning program, as well as addressing employees who are disliked or disconnected from a particular minority demographic.

3. Create your ADDT microlearning program

After you’ve gathered all the required data and highlighted problem areas, you’re ready to begin designing and developing your microlearning program. It is important that you have a designer with prior knowledge of creating microlearning. If such a person is not available, ask the designer to do a thorough research and practice on creating micro-learning. Each micro-learning bit or unit may focus on only one learning objective, may not last longer than 5 minutes and must use modern engagement strategies such as video-based learning, gamification, branching scenarios, simulations, interactive PDFs and infographics. All of the individual micro-learning bits need to be brought together to summarize the business goals achieved by creating a diverse and inclusive workplace.


Having an ADDT microlearning program in your company is a great initiative to create a more inclusive, diverse, non-discriminatory workplace environment. However, it is not all you can do to make it happen. You can hold monthly consultations or seminars to help staff understand the importance of diversity and inclusivity and give them tips on how to practice anti-discrimination. You can also create quotas for minority demographics in your organization and share articles with your employees to ensure they are aware of changing trends and political views of minority demographics. When employees are aware of their responsibility to treat other employees equally and with respect, a positive and productive atmosphere is created in the workplace as it should be.


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