
Canada Association of Tourism Employees

Advantages Of Distance Studying For Worker Coaching

The benefits of distance learning for employee training

Staff training is key to any business development. But for it to produce results, it has to be of high quality. Typically, a good training program costs employees time and a lot of money for entrepreneurs. But modern technologies enable you to effectively and conveniently train your employees without spending a lot of money or time.

How does distance learning work for employees?

Distance learning can be structured in many different ways. In this article, however, we’re going to look at a format that works on a distance learning system (DLS) and allows staff to access classes over the internet.

Remote company training via a DLS is based on the author of the course uploading materials and creating lessons on the platform, opening access for employees, making the online lesson plan available to them or setting deadlines. Employees receive the material, strengthen it with tests, take exams and improve their skills from the comfort of their seat. This enables entrepreneurs to train their employees independently without dissuading them from their jobs or losing quality training.

Classes can combine lectures, practical training and a systematization of knowledge. This makes remote training convenient for both employees and instructors.

From a technical point of view, everything is even easier. Both the creation of the course and the access to it takes place via a computer or a mobile device. This makes training easy to manage (on the instructor’s side) and accessible (to the employee).

The benefits of distance training for employees don’t end there. Read more about the benefits of this type of training below.

Benefits of distance learning for employee training

Perhaps the main benefit of corporate training with a DLS is the fact that you are not locked into training in your city, country, or region. You can decide where the training takes place. If you would like to involve an expert from another hemisphere, you are very welcome! If you want to check your reps’ progress with custom writing rather than tests, you can do that too. All options are in your hands; just use them wisely.

In addition, there are a number of other advantages for converting corporate learning to a DLS:

  • savings
    Distance training costs much less than traditional training. In addition, employees save time and money when traveling to training courses.
  • Convenience
    Employees can be trained where they feel comfortable and at a time that is convenient for them. Such conditions make distance learning more accessible to employees.
  • No time off from work
    Remote training can be provided by employees at any time outside of work, which does not affect the results of their efforts.
  • regularity
    You can set up training so that your employees are updated and trained regularly, rather than in a one-off format.
  • standardization
    When switching to a DLS, you have the option of training not just individual employees, but entire departments, areas and branches according to uniform standards.
  • automation
    A one-time setup of remote training allows you to use it over and over without involving a large number of specialists.
  • Motivation boost
    A modern DLS has gamification functions that supplement the training with game elements, which has a positive effect on employee motivation.
  • Accessibility
    Distance learning is largely based on eLearning methodologies that make teaching more visual, clear and useful.
  • Common learning environment
    When starting a correspondence course, the author creates an information environment that becomes a library of necessary knowledge. This allows you to manage the learning process and make it easier for both administrators and students to access individual lessons. This opens up the possibility of cross-learning: employees from different departments get to know the intricacies of the work of their colleagues and improve their qualifications.
  • Update content
    When you work in a shared information environment, it is much easier to edit, correct, and update training materials. This makes the whole process easier and more efficient.

Every business owner can find individual benefits in using a DLS for employee training, but the most important are listed above.

Who finds it practical to train employees remotely?

Company owner

Improving employee skills leads to an increase in overall performance, which ultimately leads to higher company revenues.

Head of department

Professional subordinates require less attention to tasks that they can accomplish. This also increases the team spirit and brings more work results.

personnel manager

Recruitment is made easier when there is a system for checking applicants’ knowledge and skills. High-quality training also reduces staff turnover. In any area that requires people to exercise regularly to improve their performance, distance training can be a great option.

How do you reschedule employee training online?

There are 3 easy steps to moving your employee training online:

1. Create a curriculum and study materials

No course can function without a learning objective and a program to guide students towards it. Hence, it is impossible to create a high quality course by working out a path from different lessons. Once a program has been created, a recording of the teaching material is required. An expert in online learning methods can help you with this.

2. Select a DLS

Today there are many online learning platforms on the market that differ in functionality and cost. You need to choose in advance the one that will help your employees achieve training goals faster and better before you start them.

3. Create and start a course

After choosing a DLS, you need to upload all of the materials and create lessons on it. Having a built-in course builder is a huge plus as you don’t have to hire an outside expert to do the job. Once introduced, it will take time to adjust the lessons to make the course more accessible and effective based on statistics and analysis.

Your company training can then be viewed as successfully transferred to the online area.

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