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7 Methods To Incorporate Open Badges Into Your On-line Buyer Coaching

How to integrate Open Badges into your online customer training

Open badges can be shared and presented across the web. Customers who engage with your online training resources will be rewarded for their achievements. Which makes them not only keep coming back, but also make your customer-centric brand known. You can also store the badge securely in your virtual backpack to take with you wherever you go. As a constant reminder of the amazing experience they had during their online customer training. But how can you even start incorporating open badges into your strategy so consumers can start earning and building brand loyalty?

7 tips for adding badges to your customer training program

1. Decide on the desired buying behavior and goals

The main purpose of open badges in online customer training courses is to reinforce or encourage certain behaviors and goals. For example, to get customers to know more about your latest line of products to increase buyer confidence. So the first step is to decide which behaviors your badges need to support and how. One example is creating a badge for your online certification course so that customers can get a reward for mastering product maintenance. This increases brand loyalty and customer satisfaction as they can now extend the life of the product.

2. Dress to impress

Badges have to look good to create excitement. Sure, customers are focused on what it takes to deserve the badge and the meaning behind it. But aesthetics are still important. Design eye-catching badges that are tailored to goals and customer interests. Use colors that stand out against the page and creative fonts. You might even want to download reusable templates so you don’t have to start from scratch. Most importantly, make sure the badges reflect your brand image and message.

3. Encourage sharing on social media

One of the advantages of open badges is that they can be shared online. Customers can showcase their services and you can present your company to a new audience. Namely your social network of friends, family and co-workers. All of them have the potential to become new customers who will take part in your online customer training. So the cycle goes on and on. Encourage consumers to share the badge on social media every time they receive a new reward. The post will automatically display the badge and a congratulatory message explaining what the badge represents. Customers can also add their own comments to the badge announcement to personalize it on their wall.

4. Give them a place to showcase their collection

Social media aside, customers need a place to store and display their badge-based rewards collection. This is another area where aesthetics are critical. Therefore, you should provide them with a themed display case or backpack. Or in a central place where they can proudly showcase their achievements and keep track of which resources / courses they have completed. You can even allow them to personalize the storage location by choosing their own color scheme or layout. A sense of ownership leads them to work hard to earn the next badge and expand their collection. As well as making virtual badges more tangible and real. Not only do they float in the ether, but they are neatly arranged in an easily accessible place.

5. Set different badge levels

You could stick with the traditional badge-based reward approach, where customers unlock a set badge when they meet the requirements. Or you can make it even more dynamic by creating different power levels. For example, a badge may have three levels that include different levels of mastery. Customers strive for the “Golden” Product Expert Badge so they can post on their site, much to the envy of their “Bronze” badge colleagues. Make customers aware of the tier system and how to unlock the next tier to avoid confusion.

6. Combine rewards with interactive training resources

It’s not enough to just add a badge to dry or boring online customer training resources and expect it to increase attendance. Each reward must be combined with engaging and interactive resources that come with real benefits. Such as simulations, tutorials, demos and serious games that improve product knowledge and strengthen brand loyalty. Training badges give them the extra motivation they need, but it’s the activities that are addicting. They look forward to the next serious game, where they can meet interesting characters or challenge themselves. The badge is just the icing on the cake.

7. Give them some privacy

Most of the established open badge systems offer users the option to make their rewards privately. You don’t necessarily have to share them on the website or on social media. Instead, badges allow them to remember their accomplishments and monitor their progress. This is great for introverts who don’t feel like showing off their accomplishments. This can limit your social media marketing efforts. However, customers are more likely to share if not forced to. In addition, you do not have to worry about violating their personal rights or data protection regulations. When they receive a badge, invite them to share it and give them the option to choose which platforms to post it on. As they may have different accounts for personal / professional use.


Open badges actively involve customers in online advertising. You can even become brand advocates sharing badges on social media to attract new consumers. The key is not to force them to gamify. Give them the opportunity to explore resources on their own and make badge-based rewards an optional incentive. You should also provide private backpacks to keep your badges in in case you don’t want to show them off online.


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