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The profitable advantages of building competence in sales

Every member of your team should have a certain amount of product know-how and experience in customer service. However, your sales reps will need niche skills to close the deal and pursue qualified leads. In other words, they need sales training to fill in the gaps and always bring their A-game with them. In this guide, we examine the many reasons for implementing a sales skills building program for your business and how it will affect your profit margins. We also highlight the most important soft skills that you can promote in your team in order to increase the CX values ​​and keep top performers.

eBook publication

The Sales Manager Master Plan: Skill Building Secrets To Boost Your Profit Margin

Discover Insider Secrets to Skill Building to Improve Team Performance and Your Business Health!

5 reasons to introduce a sales skills training program for your team

One of the most obvious reasons for providing sales training is to improve the health of your business bottom line. However, there are a host of other benefits that many companies overlook. Namely perks that you can use to create a strong business case and get internal stakeholders on board. Here are some notable benefits of implementing a skill-building program for your sales teams.

Reduce customer churn

Building critical sales skills will help you retain loyal customers as they get a better return on investment. Your employees know how to identify their needs and offer them the right products that offer them better value for money. They also know how to communicate the benefits of ownership, innovative uses, and proper maintenance. In contrast, employees who lack the required skills can focus solely on making a profit rather than maintaining a relationship with consumers and discovering their respective weaknesses.

Increase sales per ticket

The ultimate goal is to get more sales, but increasing the grand total per ticket is a crucial part of that equation. You can close a thousand deals and still barely make any money with minimal purchases from customers. A sales skills training program gives your team the leverage it needs to grow those numbers. For example, they can encourage customers to buy add-ons or upgrades. Of course, product know-how also contributes to the profitability of your sales departments.

Hold on to top talent

Employees are more likely to stay with your company if they have ongoing skills development resources such as ongoing support, retraining, and self-assessment. You are able to discreetly recognize gaps and bridge them with targeted training resources. Keeping your top talent can reduce the cost of recruiting and training new employees. You can also focus on growing internally instead of looking for replacements with the right skills and experience.

Improve team dynamics

Sales training isn’t just about customer service and increasing your bottom line directly. In fact, your program should also include team building activities to add momentum. For example, employees learn to communicate effectively and resolve conflicts before they spread to the sales floor. Another thing to consider is competition. For example, employees should work together to provide amazing CX instead of trying to “steal” commissions from colleagues.

Acquire new prospects

Are you ready to open up new business and strengthen your brand image? Skill building helps you attract new prospects because you set the competition apart and increase perceived value. In short, your employees know their way around and can share this information with consumers, which will give them the maximum return on their investment. Your employees also know how to present products tactfully and to take into account the expectations, preferences and purchasing behavior of customers. As a result, new customers are more likely to prefer you over other companies in your niche as you focus on CX rather than direct sales.

7 sales soft skills that every team should cultivate TODAY

Now that you understand the bottom line benefits of sales training, it is time to dive into the extreme. What skills should you develop in your sales team and why? You likely don’t have enough time (or resources) to cover the full range of competencies. However, if you focus on these 7 crucial soft skills, you can improve team dynamics, customer satisfaction and employee retention.


Virtually anyone can memorize the product specifications and benefits. Communicating them effectively to customers, however, is a different story. Every member of your team should be an accomplished communicator as this is the cornerstone of sales success. You need to collect and process relevant information so that consumers understand the product / service and how to address their weaknesses. For example, a customer may be reluctant to buy the product because they don’t understand how the benefits relate to their personal challenges. A great salesperson can figure out which features and selling points to handle and how.

Active listening

While some employees may take the smile and nod approach, active listening is the ultimate skill building goal. What are customers really looking for? What is your budget? Do you have negative prejudices about the industry and / or your brand that employees need to overcome first? In addition to pretending to be paying attention, your team needs to take in the information and then determine the best approach to selling.


The ability to slip into someone else’s shoes is a hot commodity in the corporate world. Employees have to see things from the customer’s perspective and empathize with them on a personal level. For example, read non-verbal cues and facial expressions and respect a customer’s boundaries rather than trying to push them into a sale. Another benefit of developing empathic skills is knowing how to navigate the emotional landscape of sales. Employees can estimate when to pause the pitch and pursue a different strategy depending on the convenience of the customer.


Of course, every sales rep needs to improve their negotiating skills to manage customer concerns and increase bottom line. The catch is that corporate policy also goes into the equation. For example, they need to know how much to reduce the price or what rules apply to selling mass-produced items. As a result, negotiation often goes hand in hand with financial literacy so that employees can monitor the company’s profit margins and cash flow.

Authentic storytelling

Sometimes it takes an anecdote or a practical example to get the customer on board. This is when authentic storytelling comes into the picture of skill building. Employees need to be able to personalize pitches so that they resonate with customers, rather than just reciting a list of benefits or features. Storytelling also builds stronger relationships with your customer base as they get in touch with employees on a more personal level.

solve problems

Finding out which product or service a customer needs and how best to highlight its benefits is essentially a problem-solving activity. Employees need to listen to customers, understand their buying habits, and then determine the ideal course of action. This may include asking specific questions to identify your challenges or expectations. The aim is to improve customer satisfaction, reduce the return rate and generate follow-up orders.


Different customers demand different approaches. While one is looking for an authoritative salesperson who knows the product inside and out, another prefers a more subtle employee who will chat with them and use small portions of humor. The employees must be able to adapt to the situation. This also contributes to healthier team dynamics as employees can take on different roles. For example, you can take the lead on a sale or play a support role if that means a higher total per ticket.


The high art of persuasion and product knowledge are often the cornerstones of sales training, but the building blocks must not be forgotten. Skills help your sales reps connect with customers and colleagues and build their confidence. You are better equipped to master workplace challenges and overcome customer fears. It all starts with a solid sales skills training strategy supported by team leaders.

Download the eBook The Sales Manager Master Plan: Secrets To Skill Building To Boost Your Profit Margin, To Build Confidence, To Meet Goals, And To Improve The Health Of Your Profit.

eBook publication: VIVAHR


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