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Studying Administration System Analytics: Acquire Studying Tradition Perception

This is how you gain valuable insights with Learning Management System Analytics

The more you know about your learners, the better you can achieve your L&D goals. Learning data can help leaders gain deeper insight into what works and what doesn’t. LMS analytics can also reveal patterns in your learners’ data, empowering you to make data-driven decisions to improve your strategy and deliver exceptional training experiences.

Read on to learn what data you can extract from your LMS and how it promotes a thriving learning culture.

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Lifelong L&D: How to Develop a Learning Culture to Support Modern Work Environments

Discover how to cultivate a supportive and collaborative learning culture for your remote workers!

What you can learn from LMS Analytics

Reporting from your LMS provides you with valuable data that will help you create sound learning strategies. Your LMS should include pre-built reporting functions that provide information such as:

  • Learning activity, progress and skills: Break down each individual’s actions and path of training to get an idea of ​​their current growth and how you can contribute to their development.
  • Department progress: See how each department or team is doing. Are there any training gaps in the team? Are there areas where some departments struggle and others shine?
  • Course and curriculum activity: What is the current progress in a particular module or course? How quickly are the courses completed?
  • Course reviews: Use course reviews as a valuable tool in determining how effective your teaching is. They can help you get feedback on which parts of your course were successful and which areas need improvement.
  • Certificates & other training: A certificate report is a convenient way to review learners with certificates or credentials, identify users whose certifications are about to expire, and update or print out any previously issued certificates or special recognitions.

These reports should be able to provide actionable insights and inform future learning and development strategy changes. It is important that you can also share learning insights in your company, schedule regular email updates, and reach out to specific groups for relevant reports.

The importance of customizable reports for even deeper insights

Ready-made reports are a must for any L&D manager and are sufficient for some companies. However, others may require more specialized, organization-specific reports. If you are looking for an LMS, you can find one that meets your need for more detailed reporting and opens up a world of possibilities including:

  • Advanced data visualizations
  • Personalized report dashboards
  • API access for data integration
  • Deep data analysis

Critical business intelligence insights help you make informed decisions and plan for the future. Even if you don’t already need custom reports, make sure you get them when things change and you need detailed LMS analysis.

How the analysis of reporting and learning management systems influences your learning culture

Once you’ve gathered data from your report, you can incorporate this valuable information into your learning strategy and culture. Little involvement in compliance courses could indicate the need for refresher or perhaps more communication about the value of such courses. Much excitement in a discussion forum on a particular topic could mean an area of ​​opportunity for future content creation. And so on. How do you find this great information? There are many ways to find this data, but there are a few important areas to keep in mind.

Search data for learners

Searching within the LMS is a good place to start. Understanding what learners are looking for and what they are clicking on can help identify topics that learners are interested in and where there may be gaps in content. Or, if you have content on a highly searched topic, the data may tell you that information is too hard to find.

Content Engagement Rates

A look at the interaction rates between typical eLearning courses versus videos can also provide a good insight into the content formats preferred by learners. If video is being used much more frequently than a typical course, consider creating more video content. What seems to be the drop-off point in videos? Is there a similar point where most learners stop watching a video? These can help you better understand the ideal content for your respective learner.

Enrollment and graduation rates

Finally, and most importantly, how often do the learners deal with your LMS? When uptake and engagement is low, perhaps the greatest opportunity is to secure learner consent. You can get a feel for this by understanding how often learners access the system and how many courses are started and completed. When you need more consent, starting at the top of the organization and creating an enthusiasm for learning is a solid course of action. When you offer the content your learners want and in the formats they like best, your chances of building a strong learning culture increase exponentially.


Ultimately, it’s important to keep a constant eye on your LMS data for better insight into what’s going well and where opportunities are emerging.

For more tips on creating a thriving learning culture, download the e-book Lifelong L&D: How To Develop A Continuous Learning Culture To Support Modern Work Environments. It contains strategic tips, evolving L&D trends, and best practices to support your modern day learners through a learning management system. Also, attend the webinar to discover the best approach to L&D for remote or hybrid work environments.

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