
Canada Association of Tourism Employees

5 Studying And Improvement Traits That Enhance Supply

Increase L&D Delivery in Today’s World

The emergence of widespread remote working during the 2020 pandemic was possibly one of the biggest disruptive factors in learning and development. Humans are social beings. Learning from one another is as natural as having three meals a day. As face-to-face interaction has decreased significantly, L&D has had to step up its efforts to fill the void left by office workers who had to live and work online. In fact, L&D needs to go above and beyond to provide learners with a superior learning experience.

There were two little boys, John and Jim, who were friends. Jim had a dog. One day they were walking the dog and Jim proudly said, “I taught my dog ​​how to whistle.”

“What do you mean?” said John. “He doesn’t whistle.”

“I know,” said Jim. “But I said I taught him, I didn’t say he studied.”

– Paul Green Army Days

1. Travel Vs. Events

Events are individual training experiences that can take the form of a lecture, video, presentation, eLearning module, quiz or other form. These usually focus on delivering content. On a trip, however, achieving a result tends to be geared towards the learner. A trip consists of a variety of activities to meet the different needs of the learner. It believes that we are not all empty vessels ready to be filled with content. Instead, it is recognized that we are complex beings who may need a mixture of knowledge, skills, motivation, commitment, and support to achieve a result.

To understand this better, we should go to a university. The desired outcome is to prepare a student to be a working, productive member of society. The trip includes classes, but also includes joining social organizations, living alone and all the difficulties that come with it, dating, meeting new people, and so on. Only through these mixed experiences or this journey will the result be achieved. A student can take a Psych 201 course, but that doesn’t make them ready to become a psychologist.

The same applies to learning in companies. Formal learning events still play a crucial role, but a desired learning outcome is often only achieved through a learning journey that includes other activities such as mentoring, continuous communication and motivation, work-based learning, easy access to resources, and more.

Indeed, a trip encompasses multiple learning experiences, is spread out over time, and addresses a learner’s diverse needs, whereas an event typically addresses only one need through a single experience.

Leading organizations rely on blended learning structures that use a variety of delivery modes. Learners can learn, take time out from studying, re-learn, and use their learning in a variety of ways. Often there are functions right in our LMS that can be used to create more effective learning journeys, e.g. B. Forums and workspaces.

Like Jim, we can no longer be proud of teaching someone new information. Our goal at L&D is to ensure that learning actually takes place and that the new knowledge is retained.

2. Performance support

You may remember Microsoft’s Clippy, the office assistant for paper clips! Clippy is an example of support that combines user learning with operational experience. Clippy has since been discontinued, but the concept has been updated and is now used as just-in-time training – a way to deliver learning exactly when it is needed. If this type of knowledge is conducted as a stand-alone “training event”, it is most likely completely forgotten with no practical application.

In the past, learning delivery platforms had self-contained Electronic Performance Assistance Systems (EPSS) that a user had to log into. Now we are providing support content where employees work every day. Using wikis and various built-in features, we can help users learn on the job. The integration of Microsoft Teams in learning platforms promotes employee engagement and learner loyalty. Compatibility with devices such as desktops, mobile devices, or the internet is a must in today’s world.

3. Skill development has finally found its place

A recent McKinsey study [1] have shown that we have a skills gap worldwide and across industries. In the past, efforts to fill this void lacked the technology support to pursue compliance training. Today technology has the answers we need. With the right tools like a state-of-the-art LMS, the possibilities are endless. McKinsey recommends revising program delivery by using improved engagement tools that can be used to link behaviors to goals. In short, skill building and compliance training follow-up are critical to improving basic behavior.

From the employees’ point of view, 80% of the employees [2] said they would feel more engaged and motivated if they had the opportunity to participate in relevant skills training programs. In times of physical distancing, motivation has a huge impact on performance. This is a top priority for companies as committed employees are more motivated, more productive and less likely to leave the company.

4. Collaboration is mainstream

More than ever, people have chosen social media and digital networks for their personal and professional goals. Take a minute and think about it: What kind of environment does your company offer its employees?

If it’s not social, engaging, and online, the chances of increasing productivity are slim! Businesses need to have communities of practice – this essentially means bringing groups of employees together on a common platform where they can interact, learn, and improve in the workplace. This concept has gained momentum since the 1990s when the Department of Defense developed the first CoP [3] Social learning, professional networking, best practices and knowledge management were used. When you choose a content delivery tool that has solid collaboration skills, you can cultivate a high-performing learning culture.

5. Learning Analytics Vs. Measurement

Since L & D’s goal has always been to balance organizational goals with employee goals, it makes sense to come full circle to relate ROI to your learning initiatives. Something that feels like following a rainbow to find your pot of gold! But don’t worry, there are other options today in the form of xAPI-based LMS and other tools that can give you the insight and breadth of data you need. With learning analytics, you can show reasonable relationships between ROI and learning over a longer period of time. On-site, this means that staff will be able to identify areas for improvement, continue learning associated with those areas or another area, and be assessed automatically or based on a mentor’s rating.

Learning delivery that delivers results

Pulling all of the tools that will help your company get the best talent experience possible seems like a daunting task. It certainly requires a deep level of experience and knowledge in assessing the needs of your organization as no organization is exactly the same as the other. Each one is as unique as your fingerprint. So if you need a bit of external expertise, the Kineo crew will be happy to help. Totara: Kineo Edition is a comprehensive learning and talent development suite that will help your company quickly develop its L&D skills. Has your organization outgrown its LMS?


[1] The smart company

[2] 2016 Udemy Workplace Boredom Study

[3] Company Command: Unleash the power of the army profession


Kineo helps the world’s leading companies improve performance through learning and technology. We combine quality of learning with award-winning customer service and innovation. We’re here to meet your learning and performance challenges – and deliver results.

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