
Canada Association of Tourism Employees

Why Ought to Distant Staff Use Microlearning?

Remote workers

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced companies to adopt teleworking. While many people prefer a work-from-home (WFH) setup, it also presents certain challenges. For example, when employees or freelancers need training, companies typically set up a meeting in the office to make sure everyone is there. However, when setting up the WFH, it can be difficult to establish mandatory training for remote workers. This is where micro-learning comes in.

What is microlearning?

Microlearning means that you get your eLearning in smaller, digestible portions that people can easily understand compared to longer, content-intensive sessions. While microlearning will benefit most people, it is particularly well suited for teleworkers.

Why should remote workers use microlearning?

Here are some of the reasons organizations should adopt microlearning for remote workers:

Easily connect with global employees

Remote working allows you to hire team members or freelancers from anywhere in the world. Microlearning allows you to easily connect with your team no matter where they are. Compared to traditional training courses, where your entire team has to be in the same place at the same time, smaller pieces of information can be distributed via email or Google Drive. Microlearning allows more flexibility so that remote workers can watch training videos at their own pace.

Shorter courses are easier to complete

Chances are, your team has a number of day-to-day tasks that need to be done in addition to the training they need to watch. Microlearning sessions usually last no longer than 20 minutes, which makes it easier for your employees to complete the course during their work day. Longer courses are likely to hinder their working day, but shorter videos will allow them to complete them within the deadline.

Better understanding of the course

Microlearning not only makes graduation easier, it helps your staff understand the concepts of the training. As a result, micro-learning can greatly improve an employee’s skills and expertise and increase productivity in the workplace.

How to use microlearning in the workplace

Now that we know the benefits of micro-learning, here’s how you can implement it:

Identify your goals

Before starting your training, it is important to define your team’s goals. For example, for longer courses, you can set a single deadline for them to complete the entire training course. However, microlearning allows you to set a number of deadlines that will allow your team to reach milestones and complete the training in the shortest possible time.

Create microlearning lessons for your employees

Now that you’ve identified your goal, the next step is to create or put together a training course for your team. Microlearning is a great format for creating a comprehensive course for remote workers. If you hand over a three hour training video, you run the risk of packing too much information into a single training session. This reduces the likelihood of information being stored and effectively used.

A series of shorter videos allows you to cover more information without burdening your team with too much information. They can go through the training and process the information at their own pace. It also helps create content that suits their attention span. Videos are processed more effectively than text, so you might want to include more videos than long articles or PowerPoint presentations.

Personalize with video clips

Remote workers often feel less involved due to the distance between members. Make them feel included and connected by including familiar faces and voices in training videos.

Make the training interactive

Aside from the training videos, you can try scheduling a biweekly call so they can ask questions and explain the training. This way, you can also monitor whether or not your team members have watched the videos. You can also make the training more interactive by using chat pods, polls, or digital whiteboards.

Content must be easily accessible

Having more short videos makes your training materials more accessible. Storing bite-sized videos in one place makes it easy for your teammates to access the information when they need to go back to it. When important information is hidden in long videos, it can be harder to look back on.

Allow your team members to learn more about the training course

You can provide team members with additional resources on the topic, such as: B. Links to studies, forums, guides, etc. In this way they can further expand their knowledge of what they have learned.

Evaluate your team members

After completing the training course, evaluate your team members to see what they learned during the training. This is also a great opportunity to see if the course is good enough to teach your other staff. You can then edit and customize the training for future teleworkers as needed.

How to use a learning management system

Microlearning is a great format for training whether your employees are working remotely or not. Companies can create personalized micro-learning courses for each team member. Remember that each person has a different style of learning.

Microlearning allows you to create an individual training plan for each employee, depending on how they learn, how quickly they work and what material they need to learn. You can also customize the metric for each team member as specific members may have different training needs. Microlearning allows you to break the courses down into smaller videos as needed.

The bottom line

Personalized micro-learning is a great way to hold your remote workers accountable. You can easily track their progress even if you can’t check in with them at a physical work station every day. If they are stuck on a specific part of the course, you can get in touch with them to learn what they need to get them through.

Microlearning is flexible, customizable, and easy to digest – a format that works well for remote workers. If your team members are scattered around the world, microlearning enables them to take the training courses you offer and process the information. Microlearning is effective because bite-sized courses are less mentally draining and less time-consuming than traditional learning methods.

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