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HR Obstacles And eLearning’s Position In Avoiding Them

The role of eLearning in avoiding HR obstacles

The booming global economy has encouraged companies to expand their offerings. However, in addition to the positive benefits that this brings, businesses must also overcome the obstacle of managing their most sought-after resource – human resources.

1. Create the ultimate onboarding experience

Employee onboarding is not just a guide. It defines the tone and pace for employee engagement. Because onboarding is repeated, it is considered time and labor intensive for most organizations. In addition, it is a workout that is often not adapted or personalized. However, with eLearning, companies can create a more meaningful onboarding experience. One that is compelling and lasting in the minds of the learner. And from the perspective of the HR department, once eLearning has been created, it only needs to be provided as often as necessary via an LMS account that is created for each new employee. Manual repetition of tasks and actions is no longer necessary.

2. Barrier to skill gaps

As technology evolves and updates rapidly, many companies are feeling the heat of a growing skill gap. When companies push for full digitization, it is vital that HR departments focus heavily on hiring the right people with the skills they want. And after being hired, it is also the responsibility of the HR department to train or develop their existing workforce. All companies sooner or later become technology companies. Here, HR teams must ensure that every employee, from entry level to C-Suite, is technically and data-technically savvy. Conventional training courses cannot meet these requirements because they are time-consuming and also labor-intensive. Add in the productivity impact of downtime and you’ll see why most traditional training programs don’t work.

HR departments use tailor-made learning programs to train their employees. These courses are packaged in microformats for better storage, allowing access from anywhere, anytime and bringing the empowerment closer to work.

3. Improvement of the training results

The human resources departments are also being pressured to ensure that they participate more actively in their training programs. Some employees understand the need for training to advance their careers, however training programs during work hours can affect productivity. Employees want to learn flexibly, like field workers who are out in meetings all day and find it difficult to attend traditional face-to-face training. However, eLearning is all about learning in your own place and at your own time and is therefore almost always preferred by learners.

eLearning also leads to better training results as it reduces the cognitive load on employees. It can be challenging to absorb, retain, and then apply all of the information during a single, intense day-long training program. While eLearning uses elements like video, gamification, etc. to reduce cognitive overload, enable better knowledge storage, and enable better knowledge implementation.

4. Training of the modern employee

HR strives to create a culture of continuous learning. And training helps the HR department motivate employees to remain loyal and stimulate them to perform better. In addition, these elements have a direct impact on the end result. Training can only be effective if it is both engaging and relevant. And HR departments need to keep an eye on the growing millennial population in every workplace, as the expectations of these employees differ greatly from those of their employers. You want relevance in everything. If they are equipped with the right learning resources for impactful results, they can learn on the go. Hence, dynamic learning initiatives are essential to keep this generation engaged and productive.

With the help of eLearning, HR departments can also measure the progress of employees, identify potential for improvement, monitor progress and provide feedback. All of this has a positive effect on the training results.

5. Maneuvering Compliance Obstacles

Globalization has affected every aspect of modern business. Companies ensure that their employees are fully aware of the compliance and regulatory landscape in order to stay on the right side of the law. Compliance learning increases the pressure on HR departments. In addition, when done in the classroom, it appears as a huge loss of productivity. These training courses are also considered boring, and low engagement during such training courses is almost always common.

Using eLearning, HR departments can quickly introduce compliance training and ensure compliance becomes more engaging and engaging. Compliance training can benefit from using storytelling, gamification, video, etc. to make learning more effective, engaging, and impactful.

As organizations have evolved due to the digital impact, HR training initiatives must evolve and meet the demands of this new, technology-driven age. eLearning can become a valuable weapon in helping them overcome these challenges and fuel a new wave of efficiency and productivity. As a result of these initiatives, a committed workforce is created.

eNyota Learning Inc.

We are a 14 year old company focused on delivering learning solutions to organizations worldwide. Our clients include corporate, training, education and e-learning companies in the US, UK, Europe, the Middle East and Australia.

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