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Efficiency Administration On-line Coaching: Assessments To Keep away from

Performance Management Online Training: Which Online Assessments Should Be Left Out?

How do you know if your employees are actually absorbing the information and building important skills? Of course, you can always get an overview by evaluating LMS reports. However, assessments give you the opportunity to dive deeply and find out exactly where the strengths and weaknesses lie. They can identify skill gaps that are holding employees back and offer targeted support tools. But not all valuation methods are created equal. Qualitative examinations can, for example, indicate the level of understanding and fall short in the diagnostic department. For this reason, you should avoid these 7 types of online assessments in online performance management training.

7 types of online assessments that should be omitted from performance management training

1. Multiple choice exams

Multiple choice exams are perfect for compliance knowledge or other quantifiable online training topics. For example, testing an employee’s ability to remember company policies. However, online training in performance management requires a more qualitative approach. Instead of just determining if an employee can guess the correct answer from a list of answers. They need to be able to see if they can put their skills and knowledge into action.

2. Compulsory Peer-Based Review

Inviting colleagues to review each other’s work and highlight potential for improvement has its advantages. In informal training environments, for example, peers are given the opportunity to interact and provide eLearning feedback based on their previous experience. However, the most effective online performance management training reviews should be more personal. Employees must be able to evaluate their own performance and recognize their own sticking points. Peer-based reviews should never be forced upon the individual. It is a helpful training tool if you so choose, but you also need the opportunity to reflect for yourself. Some may feel uncomfortable about being “judged” by colleagues pointing out their mistakes.

3. Right / wrong

Employees have a 50/50 chance of getting it right. Hence, true or false ratings don’t really test the real world application or whether they really understand the task / behavior. Or even if they completely understand the matter from the outset. Fill-in-the-blank and short-answer exams also fall into this category and should be avoided in online performance management training. Even compliance tasks are difficult to measure with these more rudimentary types of assessment. Because they lack the ability to recognize the level of knowledge of employees and how well they are using it in the workplace to increase efficiency.

4. Theoretical simulations

Simulations are a great way to evaluate the real world application and gauge whether the employee knows how to use their skills in the workplace. However, you need to make them contextual in order to evaluate employees’ talents and help them achieve positive performance. For example, add realistic characters and challenges so you can see how they’re reacting and what else they need to work on. Instead of just testing their knowledge of the theory behind the task, like remembering every step.

5. Ambiguous branching scenarios

The key to successful branching scenarios lies in the clear definition of the decision points and the range of results. Especially if you are using them as online performance management training reviews. Employees need to know why their decision was right / wrong and how their behavior and actions led them to this point. For example, where they started going down the wrong path that led them to the worst possible outcome. Ambiguous branch scenarios fail because they fail to provide employees with effective eLearning feedback or guidance. They know they weren’t doing their best but aren’t sure why or how to improve. Which, frankly, makes them feel a little drained and demotivated. Instead of giving them a chance to fix the performance problem and be motivated to reach their potential.

6. Serious games that lack immediate follow-up

Serious games are not only addicting, they also help measure performance and fix problem areas. In certain cases, employees may be having so much fun that they don’t even realize they’re being assessed. The problem is that these serious game assessments have to be paired with immediate follow-up and make real application easier. For example, you can include interesting characters and storylines, but everything must be task or performance related. Otherwise, the game will become a distraction instead of an effective assessment method in online performance management training. Incorporate recommendations and follow-up online training recommendations retrospectively. As well as personalized eLearning feedback that informs employees how to increase their productivity and performance based on their gaming performance.

7. Preliminary assessments that do not fill any personal gaps

The pre-evaluation of employees gives you the opportunity to find out how much they know, what they need to learn and where to go next. However, the pre-assessments should be based on personal gaps instead of trying to throw the net wide. Formulate the questions to target specific skills or task performance issues that hold employees back. Ultimately, each question should help you get inside the employee’s mind to see how they rate their own performance. And where they believe they need to improve based on past experiences and results. Avoid generalized questions so that you can put them on the right track and put them into an appropriate group. For example, with other customer service reps who need to perfect their POS troubleshooting or communication skills.


The online performance management training includes a fair amount of self-analysis and ongoing support. Employees need to be able to identify weaknesses and address them immediately to improve productivity. However, these types of assessment only brush the surface instead of delving into individual areas for improvement. Some can even exacerbate the performance problems because they only test theoretical know-how or do not offer any direct follow-up.

Did you know that your company’s eLearning globalization can improve your company’s bottom line? Are you ready to expand your online training program worldwide? Is your LMS up to the task or is it time to look for a new tool? Download our free e-book Going Global: How To Create Online Training Experiences For a Worldwide Audience to learn more about the benefits of being global, the costs to consider, minimizing the risk of globalization for online training, and globalizing your eLearning Company to learn ROI.


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